aker0115 (薛寶釵的貓)
2018-07-17 00:26:55You may find yourself feeling really grateful this week that you joined a
certain group or got involved in a certain mission. Now that you are learning
more about it, you can see that it has far more benefits than you ever would
have imagined, and you can apply much of what you learn to many aspects of
your life. Keep this involvement up, even if you are distracted by other
matters. Music may play a role for you this week too, Capricorn. Whether it
is a poignant song you hear on the radio that reminds you of something or
someone from your past; or an invitation to the symphony; or anything
connected to music whatsoever - it will bring about a mindset that will be
both nostalgic and deeply personal. Revel in this and try to figure out if
there is a hidden message here from the universe. Around mid-week, a chance
to speak publicly or to head a group - or another kind of leadership
obligation that you have interest in - could bring a mixture of excitement
and panic. You don't like feeling conspicuous, and you may fear getting up in
front of others to perform or to say something important. Try to overcome
this fear by practicing until you feel confident. A chance to travel, or at
least the topic of travel, could come up before the weekend. Take this
seriously, but make sure that you plan everything out thoroughly if you
choose to go.
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