aker0115 (薛寶釵的貓)
2018-07-22 22:44:09There is someone in your world - perhaps among a group of friends - that you
feel you are completely incompatible with. This may have to do with divergent
opinions on politics, values, or something controversial, so you have not
bothered to get to know each other better. But this week you may find
yourself in conversation with this individual, and you may discover
surprising commonalities. Build on this, Capricorn, because there is a lot
you can potentially learn from this person, and vice versa. A home matter may
demand your attention throughout this week, and it may involve a repair of
some kind. There may be some expense involved, which may be stressful, but
you will find a way. Disappointing news about an opportunity could reach you
by Thursday, but this may be a case of getting what you need rather than what
you want, and that's a good thing. Try to see the positive side of this. A
seemingly magical coincidence could occur just before the weekend, putting
you in the right place at the right time to receive a message you really need
to hear. Take this message to heart and let it guide you.
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