aker0115 (薛寶釵的貓)
2018-08-02 00:09:30If your life were a movie, this month, it could be a romantic comedy with you
playing the fun sidekick. Someone in your life is going through a drama, and
you may be going along for the ride throughout August. This person may
frequently seek you out to gain insight and guidance, but it could become
irritating after a while. Try to keep things in perspective, and try to find
the humor in whatever occurs. An old flame could look you up in the first or
second week of August, but it may not be for romantic purposes. This could be
someone you also connected well with on an intellectual level, and there may
be some venture this person wishes to explore with you. If you don't think it
will cause complications in your life, then go for it. This could be
rewarding. If you have been thinking about a move - from one home to another,
or even from one town to another - August will be a great month to begin your
search, Capricorn. You may find that there are many desirable options and a
lot of help to guide you along the way. A long-overdue apology may come to
you late in the month. While this may be a surprise, it will be welcome and
could change the course of the relationship.
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