[情報] 12/19 Daily Horoscope

作者: aker0115 (薛寶釵的貓)   2018-12-18 20:48:59
It is relatively easy to travel a path that has been worn down by the
travelers that came before you. It is easier still to travel down a
well-traveled path that is smoothly paved. It's not always so easy, though,
to decide you want to go someplace that no one has ever been - a place where
there is no path - and forge your own path. You may have the desire to get
someplace you see as important now, Capricorn, but it will mean blazing your
own trail. It may be tough, but it will definitely be worth it.
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作者: ivyclover (草)   2018-12-18 21:02:00
作者: yunabuddy (小翰)   2018-12-18 21:04:00
推 希望一切終將值得~
作者: sarani (好運來)   2018-12-18 23:40:00
作者: santorini94 (santorini94)   2018-12-18 23:58:00
推 一切終將值得
作者: iris8418   2018-12-19 00:47:00
作者: Annebel (Annebel)   2018-12-19 01:28:00
作者: Gelala (舒覺)   2018-12-19 01:38:00
作者: upinair (上升氣流)   2018-12-19 01:52:00
推 越來越清晰自己所渴望
作者: joy024 (逆水千帆)   2018-12-19 11:11:00
作者: socon15 (魔人秋秋)   2018-12-19 21:12:00
推 大家加油~

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