Keep reminding yourself this week that there is only one of you, and you can't
be in more than one place or do well more than one thing at a time. You tend
to take on a lot, Capricorn, and even when you realize you are overwhelmed, yo
u would rather work until you drop than not fulfill a promise or an obligation
. But the key to your peace of mind, inner harmony, and overall well-being thi
s week is to delegate when you can and to not take on more than you can comfor
tably handle.
A relative or someone who feels like a family member may reach out to you this
week with a problem you would rather not get involved in. The same principle
about not taking on more than you should would apply here as well. You may hav
e a soft spot for this person and you may feel for their plight, but the most
you should probably offer here is a shoulder to cry on and the emotional suppo
rt that is needed. That can be an incredible gift too.
Leave well enough alone this week where a work matter is concerned, especially
if it involves sticking up for someone in something you are not directly invo
lved in. You could create trouble for yourself unintentionally. You may end th
e week on a high note with good news on a subject that is dear to your heart.
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