[情報] 9/21 Daily Horoscope

作者: GreenDot (綠點)   2019-09-21 00:01:03
Your fear of a problem in your life may have been blown all out of control and
possibly out of proportion recently. This may not be your doing, Capricorn. Y
ou may not have had any fear whatsoever at first. But someone may have put a b
ug in your ear and caused you to start thinking about how badly something coul
d go wrong. And now you may not be able to chase that fear away - or at least
it may seem that way. But you can, and you will. Tune out anyone who has any f
ear to spew. Tune in only to inspiration and hope. It's a choice.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope
作者: k26880132   2019-09-21 01:14:00
作者: yoko1174 (YOKO)   2019-09-21 01:20:00
推 今天真的很突然受到幾句話影響 希望能有好結果
作者: keeptrue   2019-09-21 06:34:00
作者: Gelala (舒覺)   2019-09-21 15:22:00
作者: ivyclover (草)   2019-09-21 16:33:00
作者: lydia85753 (lydia)   2019-09-21 21:23:00
推 果然心情變差了..…
作者: betaku   2019-09-21 23:28:00
作者: hikari (苒苒物華休)   2019-09-22 23:25:00

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