[情報] 10/27 Daily Horoscope

作者: GreenDot (綠點)   2019-10-27 02:06:44
You can't put out a raging forest fire with a home fire extinguisher. A forest
fire that got out of control can require heavy machinery on the ground as wel
l as special planes and helicopters to handle it. You may be dealing with an i
ssue now where this analogy is appropriate, dear Capricorn. A certain situatio
n has gone out of control, and you may feel that you don't have the proper too
ls or resources to resolve the issue successfully. But as with a forest fire,
sometimes a drenching rain comes along just in time and saves the forest. Rema
in hopeful, and that overwhelming matter you are dealing with may just be reso
lved by an outside intervention.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope
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推 需要滅火!
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