Fw: [新聞] 教宗宣稱演化論與大霹靂均為確論

作者: Pietro (☞金肅πετροσ)   2014-10-29 19:08:26
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1KKCfsBc ]
作者: Pietro (☞金肅πετροσ) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [新聞] 教宗宣稱演化論與大霹靂均為確論
時間: Wed Oct 29 19:07:31 2014
※ 引述《applp741 (土著)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 英國《獨立報》
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
: The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not "a
: magician with a magic wand", Pope Francis has declared.
: Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope explained that both
: scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator -
: arguing instead that they "require it".
: "When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was
: a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,"
: Francis said.
: "He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws
: that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfilment," he added.
: "The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not
: contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it,"
: the Pope noted.
: "Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because
: evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve."
: The Catholic Church has long had a reputation for being anti-science – most
: famously when Galileo faced the inquisition and was forced to retract his “
: heretic” theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun.
: But Pope Francis’s comments were more in keeping with the progressive work
: of Pope Pius XII, who opened the door to the idea of evolution and actively
: welcomed the Big Bang theory. In 1996, John Paul II went further and
: suggested evolution was “more than a hypothesis” and “effectively proven
: fact”.
: Yet more recently, Benedict XVI and his close advisors have apparently
: endorsed the idea that intelligent design underpins evolution – the idea
: that natural selection on its own is insufficient to explain the complexity
: of the world. In 2005, his close associate Cardinal Schoenborn wrote an
: article saying “evolution in the sense of common ancestry might be true, but
: evolution in the neo-Darwinian sense – an unguided, unplanned process – is
: not”.
: Giovanni Bignami, a professor and president of Italy’s National Institute
: for Astrophysics, told the Italian news agency Adnkronos: “The pope’s
: statement is significant. We are the direct descendents from the Big Bang
: that created the universe. Evolution came from creation.”
: Giulio Giorello, professor of the philosophy of science at Milan’s
: University degli Studi, told reporters that he believed Francis was “trying
: to reduce the emotion of dispute or presumed disputes” with science.
: Despite the huge gulf in theological stance between his tenure and that of his predecessor, Francis praised Benedict XVI as he unveiled a bronze bust of him at the academy's headquarters in the Vatican Gardens.
:“No one could ever say of him that study and science made him and his love for God and his neighbour wither,” Francis said, according to a translation by the Catholic News Service.
:“On the contrary, knowledge, wisdom and prayer enlarged his heart and his spirit. Let us thank God for the gift that he gave the church and the world with the existence and the pontificate of Pope Benedict.”
作者: xxxer   2014-10-29 22:13:00
彌爾頓曾去探望伽俐略XD & 當時教皇其實是站在阿略那邊。巴森是把這段歷史說成是 "這一切都是那些滿腦子聖經狂熱的革命份子造成的"(新教) 因為之前天主教其實沒有純按字面解經的,聖奧古斯丁<<懺悔錄>>就明說「如果我享有最高權威而著述,我寧願如此寫,使每人在我的文字中看到他們每人對事事的正確見解,不願僅僅表達一種正確意義而排斥其他一切並不錯誤、並不與我牴觸的見解…摩西下筆時,定已想到我們在這些文字中所能發現、所不能發現、及尚未發現而可能發現的真理」。演化論的成功,在早期其實是經過掙扎的,許多不同的生物學家其實都有不同意見包括居維葉http://tinyurl.com/9w4kda 而今新無神論運動則將新達爾文主義奉為唯一真理,並把兩者完全結合在一塊,認為不認同的人全是愚昧、敗壞、傻瓜....這當然包括所有宗教跟不同意見的無神論及學者XD 對,包括不認同、提出任何質疑的無神論者在內XDhttp://tinyurl.com/m2y8swt 結果這些人比他們排斥的基督教右派還更加不容忍XD 我個人不願意因為學術論見不同而阻礙人有任何信仰的可能,以此為出發點,我發現很多東西並非我先前想像的非此即彼,包括歷史發展都是如此。如果極端的兩派會讓更多人往中間靠攏,我倒是很開心能有如此良性發展XD http://tinyurl.com/qbrav7a 結論:選擇還是個人決定,生命的觀點只能自己去發現吧,放寬心胸倒是沒有損失,眼界開展總是好事,我是很喜歡新鮮感的XD 其實有時我倒覺得是這反而會讓我去尋找一些東西,甚至從前的教條也不再是死的。
作者: AlbertSpeer (德國軍備部長)   2014-10-30 09:03:00
教宗一直是挺伽利略 但到了最後保守派壓力太大不得不送他受審 但從輕發落實際上教會一直是科學研究最大的贊助者
作者: monarchist (ドン・キホーテちゃん)   2014-10-30 19:06:00
作者: AlbertSpeer (德國軍備部長)   2014-10-30 19:40:00
作者: xxxer   2014-10-31 01:53:00
作者: caseypie (期待未來)   2014-10-31 07:35:00
作者: AlbertSpeer (德國軍備部長)   2014-10-31 07:43:00
伽利略白目也是啦 他的一些作為惹火了一直保護他的教宗朋友
作者: xxxer   2014-10-31 08:32:00
有點新發現新思想的人有時很難不白目的.....orz 什麼溫和穩重很少兼顧的
作者: caseypie (期待未來)   2014-11-01 13:47:00
作者: panzerleader (卡廷1940)   2014-11-04 11:22:00
哥白尼發表他的發現時 教會還鼓勵他趕快出版呢!
作者: Pietro (☞金肅πετροσ)   2014-11-04 20:25:00

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