John Trevisa (or John of Trevisa; Latin: Ioannes Trevisa; fl. 1342–1402 AD) was a Cornish writer and professional translator. Trevisa was born at Trevessa in the parish of St Enoder in mid-Cornwall, in Britain and was a native Cornish speaker.[1] He was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, and became Vicar of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, chaplain to the 5th Lord Berkeley, and Canon of Westbury on Trym. John Trevisa乃宗教改革前的人物。 梁實秋在英國文學史第一卷p73把Vicar of Berkeley翻譯為柏克萊的牧師,殊為可笑。 請問天主教的vicar如何翻譯成中文?