[榜單] Billboard Charts 11/12/31

作者: Lovemei (流氓駿)   2012-01-03 00:01:31
Billboard 200
Wks On LW TW Artist Album TW % LW Total
30 108 118 Celine Dion These Are Special Times 10,580 +3 10,269 5,221,933
(註:These Are Special Times本週在Top Catalog Albums維持#28
Celine Dion's "These Are Special Times" spends a 50th week in the top 200
sellers as a Catalog album; she would undoubtedly have more if we knew the
results from the album's first four Christmas seasons on the Catalog chart.
"Times" is closing in on becoming the fourth Christmas album to spend 100
weeks on the Catalog chart, a feat that will have to wait to next year for
its accomplishment as she is currently sitting at 96 weeks.)
Digital Tracks Catalog
Wks On TW Artist Title TW % LW Total
4 46 Celine Dion O Holy Night 6,711 +8 6,225 170,425

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