JamesCaesar (首å¸ç™¾äººéšŠé•·)
2018-01-06 20:50:36※ 引述《JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)》之銘言:
: https://voice.hupu.com/soccer/2246300.html
: 來源:football.london 2018-01-05 23:36:54
: 切爾西主帥孔蒂出席了對陣諾維奇的賽前發佈會,分享了球隊新聞並回答記者提
: 問。
: ˙莫里尼奧昨天說到在邊線外像小丑一樣的動作,很多人說他是在說你和克洛普,你
: 怎麼看?
: (編者按:昨日的新聞發佈會中,有記者詢問莫里尼奧是否在指揮中缺乏激情,莫帥
: 表示:“我沒有在場邊表現得像個小丑,這就說明我失去了激情嗎?我更喜歡現在我
: 的做事方式,更成熟,對我的球隊和我個人都更好了。我不認為要在邊線附近表現得
: 像個瘋子才是富有激情。激情是你每天都可以看到的。激情是一個人為工作而奉獻,
: 並不取決於在鏡頭前的表現。”)
: 我認為他可能是在說過去的自己,可能有時人們會忘掉以前說過的話做過的事。
: 我認為這是 — 我不知道怎麼說 — 有點老年痴呆(孔蒂說了意大利語,切爾西則堅
: 持說這是健忘症的意思),你忘了以前做過的事情。
demenza senile 失智症 amnesia 失憶症
He added: 'It is like amnesia when you can't remember things. When you
forgot what you say in the past, your behaviours and when you totally
forgot, you must be worried when this happens because it means you are
becoming old and you need a check.
孔蒂切換回義大利文尋找正確的詞彙 '失憶症' ,然後說: "當你完全忘掉過去所說
複習一下 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7Rxy0G4U8
'I must be honest, I don't read (what other managers say). The only
opportunity to know about these situations is during the press conference.
I am not prepared like other persons to make a cinema because there are
other persons who prepare to have a cinema in the press conference, before
the game and during the game. I am not this type of person.
'In my one-year-and-a-half (at Chelsea) I never talk about other coaches
or if I spoke about other coaches, it was only to make compliments.
Otherwise, I stay silent, but I repeat in this situation you must have
respect and I think that I do this but I am starting to be a bit annoyed
because once, twice...
'The people who know me very well in Italy [would say], for this reason
you must pay great attention when you speak because if you want to go to
fight with me I am ready. I have zero problems. I am improving a bit my
English because this is the real problem for me otherwise we can go to
fight. I'm ready to fight for me, my players, the club, with everyone, I
have no problem.'
"There is a person that continues to look here. You understand? He went
away, but he continued to look here," said Conte, who won the title last
season with the Blues.