[情報] 俱樂部收購案:Ratcliffe 突然報價,但伯利隊即將勝出

作者: JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)   2022-04-30 01:47:03
Statement from INEOS on the acquisition of Chelsea FC
Friday, April 29, 2022
Sir Jim Ratcliffe, Chairman of INEOS, has made a formal bid for Chelsea
FC, for £4.25bn. £2.5bn is committed to the Charitable Trust to support
victims of the war, with £1.75bn committed to investment directly into
the club over the next 10 years.
This is a British bid, for a British club.
We believe that a club is bigger than its owners who are temporary
custodians of a great tradition. With responsibility to the fans and the
That is why we are committing to spending £1.75bn over 10 years that will
be for the direct benefit of the club.
We will invest in Stamford Bridge to make it a world-class stadium,
befitting of Chelsea FC.
This will be organic and on-going so that we will not move away from the
home of Chelsea and risk losing the support of loyal fans.
We will continue to invest in the team to ensure we have a first class
squad of the world's greatest players, coaches and support staff, in the
men's and women's games.
And we hope to continue to invest in the academy to provide opportunity
for talented youngsters to develop into first class players.
We believe that London should have a club that reflects the stature of the
city. One that is held in the same regard as Real Madrid, Barcelona or
Bayern Munich. We intend Chelsea to be that club.
We are making this investment as fans of the beautiful game – not as a
means to turn a profit. We do that with our core businesses. The club is
rooted in its community and its fans. And it is our intention to invest in
Chelsea FC for that reason.
No further comment will be made from Sir Jim or INEOS during the bidding
下午9:05 · 2022年4月29日
Sir Jim Ratcliffe: "We put an offer in this morning. We are the only
British bid. Our motives are simply to try and create a very fine club in
London. We have no profit motive because we make our money in other ways."
[via @TimesSport]
下午9:37 · 2022年4月29日
Ratcliffe is a Manchester United supporter but has held a Chelsea season
ticket and owns the French club Nice. In March, his spokespeople were
dismissing the idea of him bidding for Chelsea.
下午9:40 · 2022年4月29日
He lives in Monaco, which was reported to have saved him - wait for it -
£4bn (pretty much the exact full cost of Chelsea) in tax
下午9:38 · 2022年4月29日
The @ChelseaSTrust yet to hear from Sir Jim Ratcliffe. Vice-Chair Dom
Rosso said: “The CST are yet to be contacted by Sir Jim Ratcliffe or his
team. If these reports are true, we would welcome dialogue at the earliest
下午9:45 · 2022年4月29日
The Chelsea Pitch Owners have also never heard from Sir Jim Ratcliffe or
anybody representing him or Ineos. All the other bidders have put a lot of
time in speaking to both groups.
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-04-30 02:11:00
作者: JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)   2022-04-30 02:30:00
作者: Drogba11 (德羅球球球球球)   2022-04-30 02:44:00
波利有多拿錢出來的樣子不過是Ratcliffe的話 感覺截胡好像也不是不可能算了 波利也好 拉特克利夫也罷 趕快交易完成就對了
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2022-04-30 02:55:00
Ratcliffe這報價也太奇怪了吧 之前說不買然後都截標了才報價 自己手上還持有尼斯尼斯下賽季還很可能有歐冠(代表要賣)這操作沒看懂
作者: faelone (æ··æ··)   2022-04-30 03:12:00
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-04-30 03:26:00
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2022-04-30 03:34:00
有說過 但最終截止日就確定沒有or被擠出去了他這個是插隊式報價的 如果伯利輸他肯定超不爽XD
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-04-30 03:37:00
作者: trent427 (看左邊)   2022-04-30 08:43:00
一堆老闆手上有球隊看到車車要賣流口水 手邊股份都不管
作者: grace0805 (姚愛允)   2022-04-30 10:01:00
我是伯利 我一定會不爽…不過希望新老闆趕快推出來
作者: starW (W)   2022-04-30 11:21:00
這時候插隊有點討厭 不要再拖了QQ
作者: trent427 (看左邊)   2022-04-30 12:55:00
伯利確定是贏家了 沒意外會開始審核
作者: Drogba11 (德羅球球球球球)   2022-04-30 15:21:00
拉特克利夫直接繞過雷恩 直接找高層跟英國政府的不知道英國那邊會怎麼喬看TA新聞 英國政府的決定也蠻重要的波利是領頭羊沒錯 但是拉特克利夫的出價也沒有被排除目前大概是這樣
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-04-30 21:12:00
作者: teata (老王)   2022-04-30 21:52:00
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-04-30 21:55:00
作者: trent427 (看左邊)   2022-05-03 23:50:00
現在有報導說球隊賣出有問題 阿布想拿回15億英鎊
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-05-04 00:12:00
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2022-05-04 03:12:00
雖然Times報阿布的消息不是很準 但會不會被債務拖到收購進度是問題
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-05-04 03:23:00
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2022-05-04 07:45:00
不是炒冷飯 好像是上次談判阿布的意思讓人覺得可能是要收回這16億貸款
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-05-04 15:36:00
作者: Drogba11 (德羅球球球球球)   2022-05-04 20:21:00
作者: z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)   2022-05-05 17:14:00
好像有結果了 先捐10億 剩下存入英國政府監管的戶頭直到信託問題解決再說 算是權宜之計吧
作者: mobilesuit (老梗要上演幾年)   2022-05-06 02:05:00

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