Fw: [徵求] [揪團] 每天用英語聊天LINE群組(全英文)

作者: she192224 (努力學英文)   2016-11-12 16:57:04
※ [本文轉錄自 Tainan 看板 #1O0381x3 ]
作者: she192224 (提爾斯變好中^.<) 看板: Tainan
標題: [徵求] 揪團 每天用英語聊天LINE群組
時間: Fri Oct 14 09:16:42 2016
Hi there :)
We're passionate about improving English speaking and are recruiting more
self-starters who will be actively involved in discussions by writing messages
in the group chat and having a group voice call on LINE messenger.
1. Who is suitable? ( must meet the following 2 requirements)
A. Proficiency level is at or above B2.
FYI: https://goo.gl/mNsMQk
B. People who will make time to write messages EVERY DAY.
Failure to comply will result in disqualification for membership
without prior notice.
2. Your everyday obligations include:
A. Say/Share anything (see note 2) you want in order to start a conversation
with fellow partners.
3. How to join the group?
After reading the whole post carefully,
please send me a PTT message(站內信, see note 1) to elaborate on :
A. self introduction
B. goals of spoken English improving
C. inquiries and expectations about the group
D. LINE ID (Please enable "Allow others to add by ID".)
1. There will be no reply to your message if unnecessary.
2. Please feel free to share a quote, vocabulary, phrase, idiom, video clip,
picture, article, all kinds of information and pretty much
whatever you'd like to share/say will be okay.
a. Making English mistakes is okay.
b. Don't worry that nobody is gonna be interested in your sharing.
c. If what others shared/said don't interest you, start your own conversation
at anytime then.
3. Please introduce yourself to everyone in the group chat and save the
message to Notes.
4. Each partner is entitled to have 3 days of leave at most per month.
(Please let us know in advance by stating your reason at the Notes section.)
作者: KoWenJe (柯批)   2015-10-14 09:46:00
第一點的B who是多餘的吧...
作者: stupid52020 (不知者無罪)   2015-10-14 09:47:00
作者: eva19452002 (^^)   2015-10-14 09:49:00
This is a book
作者: ab76529 (真的不好笑)   2015-10-14 10:13:00
I have a pan
作者: maomaosya (Mao)   2015-10-14 10:15:00
I have applea
作者: silver8210 (bffptt)   2015-10-14 10:38:00
作者: moho831 (飛雪)   2015-10-14 10:41:00
apple pen
作者: simon2038su (逍遙風)   2015-10-14 11:28:00
I have a pen
作者: debian99 (Debian GO)   2015-10-14 12:00:00
作者: GossipMoon (Ren)   2015-10-14 12:25:00
I have a pineapple
作者: opp888 (阿阿阿)   2015-10-14 12:41:00
作者: GunLinLiang (念芝)   2015-10-14 12:43:00
hi here
作者: dearwhen (阿西默)   2015-10-14 14:05:00
樓上,"an" apple抱歉,我是說5樓~
作者: KoWenJe (柯批)   2015-10-14 14:26:00
那個看看就好 托福110以上才有C1 結果雅思6.5就有 呵
作者: uranus15 (風箏)   2015-10-14 15:01:00
作者: xraysunn (ra)   2015-10-14 15:06:00
作者: KoWenJe (柯批)   2015-10-14 17:47:00
喔喔 我大概看懂原意 那那句就是個fragment
作者: shutupplease (請閉嘴)   2015-10-14 20:58:00
I ate an ant
作者: she192224 (努力學英文)   2015-10-14 22:13:00
How do you like it?
作者: babyrock (五番爺)   2015-10-14 22:28:00
程度不好 已GG
作者: acer0741 (辛普森)   2015-10-14 23:52:00
How do you turn this on
作者: holaa (holaa)   2015-10-15 02:12:00
get all the points in this article. It's a pity. I'm just at B1...Q_Q
作者: Phoebe0503 (二宮)   2015-10-15 09:12:00
作者: she192224 (努力學英文)   2015-10-15 15:54:00
I could relate to you.XD
作者: mini33212003 (小寶貝)   2015-10-16 00:04:00
作者: she192224 (努力學英文)   2015-10-16 01:17:00
Best comment ever!! You made my day~
作者: Doraemon2 (哆啦二號)   2016-11-12 18:10:00
作者: fatty3321   2016-11-12 20:59:00
原來可以Hi there 喔
作者: she192224 (努力學英文)   2016-11-12 21:04:00
Hello there~ ha~
作者: MT0114 (Martin)   2016-11-13 00:57:00
作者: zxcert (Jialin)   2016-11-13 02:15:00
作者: EELINCCU (文人皇帝)   2016-11-15 20:43:00

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