還滿好笑的,他說要癌症患者是適者的證據證據絕對有的,而且就寫在他給的那篇文章裡面Thus, although it may sound counter-intuitive andather scary, cancer can be seen as a way ofkeeping our DNA strong and healthy so that we donot pass on inferior DNA to the next generations.In many ways, this is an appalling hypothesis,but the medical community has already documentedthat ageing and cancer seem to be key evolution mmechanisms similar to DNA repair and apoptosisthat protect all life on earth from becomingextinct because of an untimely evolutionary twist我懷疑他是看標題就認為啊癌症就是把基因從基因庫裡面剔除啦,所以癌症患者是不適者