df62 (老漁)
2022-12-01 12:45:29看到k大貼了兩篇關於【千年國】的帖子。當然,對於了解華人基督教的神學衝突的人而言,一眼就能夠看出來,這又是所謂【聖約神學Vs時代論】的後遺症。
OK, 現在,這位作者說oikonomia=covenant,意思就是『時代論=聖約神學』。
Cambridge, England
Oikonomia = "Covenant"; Terms for Heilsgeschichte in Early Christian Usage
Author(s): John Reumann
Source: Novum Testamentum, Vol. 3, Fasc. 4 (Dec., 1959), pp. 282-292
Published by: Brill
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1559945
Accessed: 30-11-2015 19:49 UTC
OLxovouioc is a rare but important New Testament word denoting God's plan of
salvation.[ Of the other New Testament uses, besides those cited above, Luke
xvi 2-4 gives the usual classical sense, the office of the oikonomos, and i
Tim. i 4 seems to expand on the sense found in Paul and Ephesians (RSV, "the
divine training that is in faith", or "stewardship", or "order").
信心中神聖的訓練(the divine training that is in faith)”,或“管家職分(
stewardship)”,或“次序(order)”。] It appears in Paul, at I Cor. ix I7
and Col. i 25, with reference to the "commission" or "stewardship" or "divine
office" granted to him in God's program. In Ephesians the term means not only
"the stewardship of God's grace" (iii 2) given to the Apostle to the
Gentiles, but also, in an application which goes beyond any earlier Pauline
nuance, refers to the plan itself of God, "set forth in Christ... for the
fulness of time" (i io), "the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God ...
which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord" (iii 9), what C. LESLIE
MITTON has called God's "planned economy", "statesmanship", "generalship", or
"strategy" for man's salvation.[ C. LESLIE MITTON, The Epistle to the
Ephesians (Oxford, 1951), p. 93.]
主耶穌基督完成的”(iii9),C. Lesle Mitton稱之為,為了人類救贖而有之“計畫好
的經綸(planned economy)”,“治國才能(Statemanship)”,“將才(generalship
This use of oikonomia for the divine plan of salvation occurs much more
frequently in early Christian literature outside the canon. Ignatius, for
instance, in his letter to the Ephesians (20, I; cf. 18, 2), speaks of the
"economy relating to the new man Jesus Christ", the new covenantal
relationship which he has initiated.[ Ign. Eph. 20, I: o.xovooLLOCE tc TO'v
xCLavov vOptWotov'I qCaouv XpiLaTv. i8, 2: 6 yap Oeb6fq? LVO'VI' liaou; 6
XpLaorT ?xuo(popOfytU 6OM6 capiLox Car'o [xovol.oav Oo5U? X 67?pFLOCTOLcU ? V
A0CaiS, 7TV?iaTo 8'? ay Lou.] Thereafter, in the writings of the church
fathers, oikonomia becomes increasingly common, especially employed with
reference to the covenants through which God has worked out his plan of
salvation for first the Old, then the New, Israel. To take one example,
Irenaeus is fond of speaking about human history in terms of covenant
theology and sums up the divine plan through two, or sometimes four, covenant
arrangements from God for the salvation of men.[ Adv. Haer. 3, Io, 5; II, 8;
I2, 15; 4, 9, I; 20, Io. Cf. ROBERT V. Moss, The Covenant Concept in Early
Christian Thought (microfilmed dissertation; Chicago: the University of
Chicago, I954).] Tertullian reflects the same pattern: two covenants exist in
redemptive history, he insists in opposition to Marcion, but the New Covenant
under Christ is superior.[ E.g., Adv. Marc. 4, I; 5, 4.] Origen likewise uses
oikonomia for both the earlier ordering of salvation and the new covenant
arrangement transferred to Christians.[ C. Cels. 4, 8 and 9; 5, 50; Comm. in
loan. 6, 44.] Most other fathers in the third and fourth centuries employ the
term for the redemptive arrangements made in a covenant by God as part of his
salvation plan. G. L. PRESTIGE'S study of the word, based on material
gathered for the long-promised Oxford Dictionary of Patristic Greek and made
available in his book God in Patristic Thought, rightly concludes that
oikonomia meant for the fathers "above all ... the covenanted dispensation of
grace" in the Old Testament
or through Christ.[ God in Patristic Thought (2nd ed.; London: SPCK, 1952),
p. 64.]
,英格那丟(Ignatius)在他寫給以弗所人的信中(20,I;cf. 18,2)說到“關於新人
約中救贖的安排,這個安排是神救贖計畫的一部分。G. L. Prestige對於這個子的研究乃
是根據久違的牛津教父希臘文字典(Oxford Dictionary of Patristic Greek),並收錄
在他的著作——教父思想中的神(God in Patristic Thought)中。他正確的結論到,對
Oikonomia thus amounted to what is today called Heilsgeschichte, and a number
of writers, like CULLMANN in Christ and Time, and most of the authors of
histories of doctrine, including HARNACK, LOOFS, SEEBERG, WALTER KOEHLER, and
MARTIN WERNER, suggest this equation.[ 0. CULLMANN, Christ and Time (Eng.
tr., Philadelphia, 1950), especially Part I, "The Continuous Redemptive Line,
oLxovoiLOC," 33 ff. ADOLF VON HARNACK, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (3rd
ed.; Freiburg and Leipzig, I894-97), I, 520 (Eng. tr., History of Dogma
(Boston, I903-07), 2, 243 f.). F. LOoFs, Leitfaden zum Studium der
Dogmengeschichte (4th ed.; Halle, I906), 98 ff., especially the discussion on
"Asia Minor theology". R. SEEBERG, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (3rd ed.;
Leipzig, I922-23), I, 421 f., and 395 and 399 f. (Eng. tr., Textbook of the
History of Doctrines (Grand Rapids, I954), I23 f.). W. KOEHLER,
Dogmengeschichte als Geschichte des christlichen Selbstbewusstseins (2nd ed.;
Zurich and Leipzig, I943), I39, I43. M. WERNER, Die Entstehung des
christlichen Dogmas problemgeschichtlich dargestellt (2nd ed.; Bern and
Leipzig, I953), 34, 367, note 92, and 564, note 13.] Further, in this
heilsgeschichtlich type of thought, since oikonomia was brought into intimate
association with the covenants through which God is held to have worked out
his salvation, it became virtually interchangeable with the word "covenant"
itself, 8a60jx7. Again this use of oikonomia, for diatheke, has not escaped
the notice of patristic lexicographers.
Koehler和Martin Werner,都建議這樣的公式。此外,在這種救恩歷史的觀念中,因著
PRESTIGE writes, "economy in such contexts [as those noted above] means
simply dispensation or covenant",[ Op. cit., p. 65.] and R. B. TOLLINTON, in
a study on Clement of Alexandria, observes that on many occasions diatheke
and oikonomia are hardly distinguishable in that father.[ R. B. TOLLINTON,
Clement of A lexandria: A Study in Christian Liberalism (London, 1914), 2,
205.] Oikonomia was thus a patristic term for Heilsgeschichte, intimately
associated with the covenants in salvation history. Such use of oikonomia for
God's redemptive arrangements or management of a salvation plan should
occasion no surprise, since oikonomia was employed in the first century world
about as commonly and with as many applications as our word "administration".
diespensation)或約(covenant)’,R. B. Tollinto在研究亞曆山大的革利免的時候
Nor should its use as an equivalent for diatheke, "covenant", "will", or
"testament", be unexpected either, though any exact reason for equation of
the two terms in the fathers has not been pointed out by patristic
investigators to date. From the company which oikonomia had been keeping in
Greek for the past two or three centuries, however, precisely this sort of
equation with diatheke follows naturally.[ I have analyzed many of the
numerous meanings for the word during this period in a doctoral dissertation,
"The Use of oikonomia and Related Terms in Greek Sources to about A.D. ioo,
as a Background for Patristic Applications", completed in May, I957, under
the direction of Dr MORTON S. ENSLIN at the University of Pennsylvania (657
pages; on microfilm, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, $ 8.35).
Morton Enslin的指導之下(657 pages; on microfilm, University Microfilms, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, $ 8.35)。] The purpose of this note is to call attention to
a piece of evidence not previously reported on, a papyrus text of the late
second century A.D., where oikonomia is used directly for diatheke, and then
to offer some suggestions, on the basis of this linguistic evidence, with
regard to patristic, and perhaps New Testament, usage of the term.
There is, first of all, the fact that oikonomia and related terms derived
from ocxovoliev, to "arrange" or "manage", were a part of the technical
jargon in political and commercial affairs of the Hellenistic and Roman
periods.[ E.g., Polyb. 4, 26, 6; 24, I, 7; I, 8, 3; W. DITTENBERGER, Orientis
Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae (Leipzig, I903-05), Number 322, lines I ff.
(Vol. I, p. 495), or 453, 19 (= CIG 2737a, 20).] The noun oikonomia could
refer to all sorts of legal arrangements, usually of an economic, financial
nature, and often under supervision of a governmental administrative agency.[
E.g., Polyb. io, i, 5; OGIS 267, 6 f.; W. DITTENBERGER, Sylloge Inscriptionum
Graecarum (2nd ed.; Leipzig, 1898-1901), 577, 9 f. (Vol. 2, p. 72); further,
OGIS, 46, I3 ff., or I79, 7 ff.] Examples are almost too numerous to cite,
occurring in connection with tax collection, sale of land, purchase or rental
of property, census registration, and encumbrances on property.[ Cf. L.
MITTEIS and U. WILCKEN, Grundziige und Chrestomathie der Papyrzusurkunde
(Leipzig and Berlin, I912), 2, I, 73, note 4. E.g., PTeb. I, 8, 28; 30, I8;
31, I8; PLondon 1164, 7; 904, 25; PRainer 64, 22.] Hence the general
definition, "any legal step or arrangement", "every measure with legally
binding effect", offered for oikonomia by PREISIGKE'S dictionary for
technical terms in the papyri concerning public administration in
Ptolemaic-Roman Egypt, is quite correct.[ F. PREISIGKE, Fachworter des
6ffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Agyptens in den griechischen Papyrusurkunden
der ptolemdisch-romischen Zeit (Gottingen, I915), p. 132.]
It is next to be observed that oikonomia was sometimes applied not just to
the legal arrangement but also to the document itself recording its terms,
the "stipulated agreement or record", PREISIGKE puts it; "contract", "legal
instrument", or "deed" all are possible renderings at times.[ Ibid., meaning
Number 2. Cf. H. G. LIDDELL and R. SCOTT, Greek- English Lexicon (9th ed.,
revised by H. STUART JONES and R. MCKENZIE; Oxford, 1925-40), sub voce
olxovooLoc. Examples: POxy. 12, 1474, 7; BGU 301, I4 f.; PMich. 5, 276, II,
27, and 35; 3, i86, II; 2, 121, recto II, IX, 3.]
條文,‘合同規定的條文或記錄(stipulated agreement or record)’,這是
Preisigke的說法;“合同(contract)”,“法律性指引(legal instrument)”,或
Almost inevitably, therefore, the terms under consideration appeared in wills
or testaments. A third century B.C. papyrus uses the phrase, "It would be my
right to administer my own affairs (or "make legal arrangements", TO roCUiToo
LxovoPIZV)while I am healthy".[ The Flinders Petrie Papyri (Dublin,
I89I-I905), I, i8, I, 8.] RAPHAEL TAUBENSCHLAG, in his study on The Law of
Graeco-Roman Egypt in the Light of the Papyri, 332 B.C.-64o A.D., records the
general use of the noun oikonomia from the first century B.C. on in the sense
of "agreement", and notes that it was employed alongside such other terms as
cuv0AXXocyatau,y ypacp, and aUVOB~x.[ New York: Herald Square Press, Inc.,
I944, P. 224.] Unfortunately he does not pursue use of oikonomia for this
last term, auvOqx%, "compact" or "covenant", let alone the related noun
8LocaxY, "will" or "covenant".
Taubenschlag在Papyri的指導下研究希臘-羅馬時代的埃及法律,332 B.C.-64o A.D.,記
,它往往與cuv0AXXocyatau,y ypacp和aUVOB~x一同使用。不幸的是,他並沒有繼續探討
A papyrus text, however, which specifically uses oikonomia for the last will
and testament (LaocxT) of a Roman citizen occurs in an account of legal cases
heard by a strategos in the Faiyum, Egypt. Dated May 26, A.D. 184, it is
printed in the collection Agyptische Urkunden aus den k6niglichen Museen zu
Berlin, Griechische Urkunden, Number 321, Column II, line io, through III,
20, after which the lines are broken and unintellegible.[ Berlin, I892- . In
addition to the obvious necessary corrections made by the editor, FR. KREBS,
two conjectural readings are made by WILCKEN in BGU, Vol. I, p. 359. The text
and my own translation follow.
Berlin,1892 - 除了編者FR Krebs指出明確需要改正的地方外,Wukcken在BGU,Vol.1,
(從略)] The actual use of o[xovofic for laO0x] occurs at Column III, line 2.
Agyptische Urkunden aus den k6niglichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische
Urkunden, Number 321, Column II, line io, through III, 20中,前面的句子是破碎
無法整理。Oikonomia出現在Column III, line 2。
The case, "out of the records of Apollonios, magistrate of the section of
Herakleidos", deals with a dispute over whether a will (8oa06Yx7th, e term
occurs at least six times in the incomplete papyrus) which is being presented
for probate is genuine or not. While some of the details of the situation are
uncertain, due to brevity and the fragmentary text, it appears that one
Kasios claims to have received a will from a kinsman who was about to die.
Subsequent difficulty over putting into effect this will of the deceased
which Kasios presents has brought the case before the strategos.
Part of the controversy centers around the seals of the seven witnesses
required for a will by Roman law, a detail found in the Praetorian testament
of the Republican period and reported by most handbooks, according to which
the will had to be sealed seven times in order to be authenticated, and
according to which, further, the will could not be carried into effect until
all seven seals were loosed.[ W. SMITH, W. WAYTE, and G. E. MARTIN, A
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (3rd ed.; London, I891), 2, 803 f.
H. J. ROBY, Roman Private Law in the Times of Cicero and of the Antonines
(Cambridge, I902), I, 255, note 2. W. W. BUCKLAND, The Main Institutions of
Roman Private Law (Cambridge, 1931), I84 f.] Apparently in the case under
consideration, only four of these seven witnesses who had sealed the document
which Kasios had were able to appear at the hearing before the strategos,
plus the notary who had originally written the will. The opponents of Kasios
dispute the authenticity of the document being presented, cast doubt on
whether Kasios got it from the deceased, and question even whether the two
men were kinsmen.
The important phrase with which we are concerned comes when the counsel for
Kasios notes that of the witnesses who placed their seals on his client's
document, "four of them are present, and in addition also the lawyer who
wrote the document" (or "legal agreement", 7rr7pL7[tLv]E c(cUT&T,vc
cracapse,e Tn 8 xOi 6 voLIxoq 4T 6 V oixovoiuav ypaacxq, Col. III, lines
I-2). Application of the term "document" (oLxovopzia) here to a will is
unmistakable, not only from the total context, but also because the noun
a8LtcCOoXc curs in the next line, in the preceding sentence, and in the next
paragraph in the reply of an opposing orator. Thus quite clearly in the year
A.D. 184, and presumably for sometime before, the noun oikonomia, long
applied to legal arrangements of all sorts, was used specifically for a
diatheke, the last will and testament of a Roman citizen, the covenant sealed
with seven seals disposing of his property. From this example it would appear
that Christian usage of oikonomia for a covenant or will, diatheke, was, here
as elsewhere, following already established secular application, a legal or
at least popular meaning for the term, documented in the second century.
While no earlier examples can now be cited where oikonomia demands the
specific translation "will" or "covenant", it is not impossible that the
application was made far earlier, judging from the varied ways in which the
term is employed in the papyri of the period.
At the least, it is certain, oikonomia was being used for diatheke in
every-day Greek at precisely the time Irenaeus was employing oikonomiato
refer to the covenants (Laoc0xaLt)e, staments or legal arrangements in a
will, by God or Christ, to distribute goods to men. Theological terminology
followed existing secular usage. We may also speculate that, while, it is
true, the covenant concept in the fathers was not always free from legalistic
character, nonetheless a theologian like Irenaeus may have preferred
oikonomia to diatheke at times, precisely because it was a more general term
of wider associations in secular use, without the specifically legal
connotations of diatheke.[ Some of these wider associations of oikonomia are
documented in my dissertation (supra, p. 284, note 3), 306 ff., but almost
any lexicon gives some idea of the bewildering variety of meanings for the
我的論文中收錄了那些與oikonomia有關的,更為廣泛的案例(supra, p. 284, note 3),
306 ff.,然而幾乎所有的詞典都能夠為這個詞的不同意義提供某些令人困惑的材料。]
Beyond this, allowing the possibility that oikonomia may have been used much
earlier, in its wide range of first century associations, to refer to a
diatheke and that it is a mere statistical accident that we lack a text to
date demonstrating this equation, we then open the way toward seeing new
connotations for this term in Christian use. Through this link (oikonomia =
covenant), the theme of a divine plan of salvation or economy of God,
increasingly important from Ephesians on, perhaps as a substitute for earlier
central themes like the Kingdom of God, which, however, were subject to
misunderstanding in the gentile world,[ The cxCaLXeLTa OU50 so which Jesus
comes preaching means, of course, the reign or rule or kingship of God,
rather than any sort of kingdom in the geographical sense of the word. It is
the Old Testament theme, "Yahweh reigns", now conceived of as breaking
through in the last times, heralded and ushered in by the person of Jesus
(cf. Mark i I4-I5). It is well known that this emphasis on the Kingdom of God
(or Kingdom of Heaven, Matthew) is common in the Synoptics, but is less
frequent in Paul (where the stress is on the Lxatoouvv o TOU0 Oo5 and other
themes), is reinterpreted in John along lines of eternal life ([oq), and
crops up in the creeds of the early church in the formula, "Jesus Christ is
Lord" ('Ibsoi5q XpLaTo6 x6pLOv). Thus the phrase "Kingdom of God" certainly
becomes more peripheral in later New Testament writings and in the fathers as
compared with the Synoptic Gospels, though it is a mistake to suppose the
term and concept were lost entirely; cf. K. L. SCHMIDT, paaLXeia (Toi Oeo5)
in der alten Kirche", in G. KITTELT, heologischesW orterbuchz umNeuen
Testament (Stuttgart, I933- ), I, 593-95; R. FRICK, Die Geschichte des
Reich-Gottes-Gedankens in der alten Kirche bis zum Origenes und Augustin
(Giessen, 1928); and G. W. H. LAMPE, "Some Notes on the Significance of
BAZIAEIA TOY OEOY, BAJIAEIA XPIETOY in the Greek Fathers", The Journal of
Theological Studies, 48 (1948), 58-73. Origen, interestingly, in a comment on
Luke iv 5, uses olxovoLocfao r xaoCiXLoHc,o mily on Luke 30 (GCS 35 (Origenes
9), I84, I9).
耶穌教導的cxCaLXeLTa OU50意思當然就是神的王的管轄與全部,而不是任何一種具有地
或天國,馬太),但是保羅的書信就不會這麼強調(保羅的書信強調的是Lxatoouvv o
TOU0 Oo5,並其他的主題),約翰則根據永遠生命([oq)的線加以重新詮釋,“耶穌基
督是主('Ibsoi5q XpLaTo6 x6pLOv)”成為早期教會信經對於這個題目的總結。因此“
神的國度(Kingdom of God)”這個詞在新約後期的作品中並相較於對觀福音的教父作品
中就逐漸成為次要的主題,雖然認為這個辭彙與觀念完全喪失也是錯誤的;參考K. L.
SCHMIDT, paaLXeia (Toi Oeo5) in der alten Kirche", in G. KITTELT,
heologischesW orterbuchz umNeuen Testament (Stuttgart, I933- ), I, 593-95; R.
FRICK, Die Geschichte des Reich-Gottes-Gedankens in der alten Kirche bis zum
Origenes und Augustin (Giessen, 1928); and G. W. H. LAMPE, "Some Notes on the
Significance of BAZIAEIA TOY OEOY, BAJIAEIA XPIETOY in the Greek Fathers",
The Journal of Theological Studies, 48 (1948), 58-73. Origen, interestingly,
in a comment on Luke iv 5, uses olxovoLocfao r xaoCiXLoHc,o mily on Luke 30
(GCS 35 (Origenes 9), I84, I9).
It is obvious why the Kingdom of God theme, so central in Jesus' teachings
according to the Synoptics, might be reinterpreted along other lines in later
writers, in addition to the matter of comprehensibility, which a shift from
Palestine, with its Old Testament, Hebraistic background of the reign of
Yahweh, it was necessary to avoid the political subversive tag which
street-preaching about a (asXoiaTc' oi0 roi in the Graeco-Roman world would
have brought on the young church even more often than did occur. There is
enough similarity between the pccaLXCiTao i 0ou5 and oLxovo.dTzO c0 65O
motifs to warrant further investigation of the subject.
傳揚福音的時候被打上一種帶有政治性顛覆的標籤,這種轉移是必要的。pccaLXCiTao i
0ou5與oLxovo.dTzO c0 65O這兩個主題間有足夠的相似性以保證對這個題目的進一步研究
。] is brought into a closer relationship with the covenant theology of the
Old Testament and of Paul. Oikonomia, a patristic term for Heilsgeschichte,
was thus able to convey much of the covenant idea in biblical thought, plus
more besides, including the whole Stoic conception of a divine administration
or rule of God in the universe.[ On olxovouLoca s the divine economy in the
universe according to Stoicism, see already the evidence cited in H. A.
DANIEL, Tatianus der Apologet: Ein Beitrag zum Dogmengeschichte (Halle,
1837). Curiously, the fourfold analysis of classical meanings for oikonomia
given by T. L. VERHOEVEN, Studien over Tertullianus' Adversus Praxean
(Amsterdam, 1948) does not list this, though at times VERHOEVEN indicates an
awareness of the meaning for the word, e.g., II8, I23, I36. Numerous examples
occur in the Stoic fragments edited by J. VON ARNIM, Stoicorum Veterum
Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1905-24), e.g., 2, 273, 28 (frag. 945); 2, 269, 4 (frag.
937); 2, 338, 9 (frag. 1176). K. L. SCHMIDT (supra, p. 289, note 2), I, 595,
even suggests that the apologists and Clement of Alexandria understood the
Kingdom on the basis of Stoic definitions.
關於斯多亞主義論olxovouLoca,宇宙中的神聖經綸,參考H. A. DANIEL, Tatianus der
Apologet: Ein Beitrag zum Dogmengeschichte (Halle, 1837)。奇怪的是,T. L.
VERHOEVEN針對特土良的Adversus Praxean 中oikonomia經典四重含義的分析
(Amsterdam, 1948)並沒有列出這本書,雖然VERHOEVEN往往指出要注意這個字的意思,例
如: II8, I23, I36。J. VON ARNIM所編撰的斯多亞拍的殘篇,Stoicorum Veterum
Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1905-24)有許多的例子,例如:2, 273, 28 (frag. 945); 2,
269, 4 (frag. 937); 2, 338, 9 (frag. 1176)。K. L. SCHMIDT (supra, p. 289,
note 2), I, 595,甚至認為亞曆山大的革利免根據斯多亞派的定義來理解神的國度。]
Another detail is also worth considering with regard to the flexibility of
meanings which this word possessed: the fact that in every-day Greek,
oikonomia could mean a written will or covenant, a document, perhaps
encouraged application of the term diatheke to the scriptures, a usage found
as early as Melito of Sardis, for the documents recording the divine
economy.[ Cf. Euseb. Ecc. Hist. 4, 26, 13 and Iren. Adv. Haer. 4, 26, 2.]
oikonomia=聖約),神的救贖計畫或神的經綸(Economy of God)從以弗所書後就變得越
One final observation. In the papyrus passage, the oikonomia or diatheke was
a will fastened with seven seals, following Roman custom. The detail
immediately suggests the scroll with seven seals mentioned at Rev. v.[ Rev. v
I: ptLXiov yeypo0CP1.vov 'acoO6v xcal 0nlaO6v, xaToc'rEpaylCpvov acppacy'oav
T:rro.] That scroll has to do with God's will for the last times, and can be
put into effect only by the true witness, Jesus Christ, who alone is worthy
to break its seals. In the Apocalypse, as he opens each seal, some portentous
event takes place, having to do with the denouement of God's scheme for the
world and men.
Several. commentators, including JOHANNES WEISS, SELWYN, ZAHN, MOFFATT,
BOUSSET, and LOHMEYER, note a parallel between Rev. v and this Roman legal
custom, R. H. CHARLES writing that the book with the seven seals "represents
a Will or Testament relating to the Old and New Testament Covenant".[ The
Revelation of St. John (New York, I920), I, 137 f. Cf. The Expositor's Greek
Testament (Grand Rapids, 1951), 5, 383; W. BOUSSET, Die Offenbarung Johannis
(G6ttingen, I906), 255, note i; and E. LOHMEYER, Die Offenbarung des Johannes
(Tiibingen, 1926), 50.] The book with the seven seals is thus a device to
dramatize the disposition or will of God for the last times, which Christ
puts into effect. There is thus a combination of Heilsgeschichte and
都注意到啟示錄五章與這個羅馬習俗間的關係,R.H. Charles寫到那用七印嚴封的書卷“
It has been shown that in later secular Greek use oikonomia was employed for
just such a testament with seven seals. John the seer does not, of course,
apply this word oikonomia to the scroll he describes with details which
normally fit a Roman will or testament. But later writers among the fathers
would have known this secular Greek use and could therefore the more readily
employ the word oikonomia for a diatheke from God in redemptive history,
implying at the same time from this general background that God's oikonomia
also includes his plan for the last times; eschatology too is seen within the
covenant framework of Heilsgeschichte. Strikingly, Irenaeus who emphasizes a
covenant theology and heilsgeschichtlich view of history also stresses
eschatology, and hangs on to some of the primitive emphases of the
Apocalypse, like the millenium.[ CULLMANN, op. cit., pp. 65 ff., sees an
affinity between an oikonomia type of theology and apocalyptic. Cf. also E.
DINKLER, "Earliest Christianity", in The Idea of History in the Ancient Near
East (American Oriental Series, 38; New Haven, 1955), I97 ff.]
Heilsgeschichte, covenant theology, and eschatology fit a pattern, all
related in one way or another with the term oikonomia. Secular application of
this term to a testament with seven seals thus suggests that in patristic
passages where oikonomia may be employed for a covenant or covenanted
dispensation of grace, one may look for legalistic or eschatological
connotations at times, as well as the usual heilsgeschichtlich ones.
convenanted dispensation of grace),學者或許當進一步研究當時的法律與末世論,
How much of all this is to be applied to New Testament uses of the word will
depend, of course, upon discovery of earlier examples of the equation between
oixovotia and 8La0Ox'], and also upon just what is made of the date and
authorship of Ephesians, whose gifted writer put patristic Christianity on
the trail of one of its most important themes, the economy of God.
最重要的一個主題——神的經綸(the economy of God)之上。