小弟最近買了咖啡機 Panasonic 國際牌 全自動美式咖啡機 NC-R600 滿好用的 然後看到這篇報導: http://www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action?nid=70492 大意: 咖啡讓人膽固醇上升,該怎麼解? 2012年初美國哈佛大學發出的《哈佛健康通訊(Harvard Health Letter)》就建議, 濾 紙可過濾掉大部份的咖啡醇和咖啡白醇,能有效降低喝咖啡帶來血脂上升的壞處。 韓懷宗指出,北歐式水煮咖啡、法式濾壓壺、土耳其壺等無濾紙烹煮的咖啡,每杯約含6 ~12毫克咖啡醇和咖啡白醇,而經過濾紙沖泡的咖啡則只有約0.2~0.6毫克,兩者相差二 、三十倍。 因此他建議,為了保護心血管健康,減少咖啡醇和咖啡白醇攝取,應採用濾紙沖泡咖啡, 如果平日慣以義式濃縮咖啡機、摩卡壺、虹吸壺、法式濾壓壺等方式烹煮咖啡,最好多一 道手續,用濾紙過濾了再喝。 問: 咖啡機泡出來的咖啡還需要用濾紙過濾嗎? 謝謝各位,小弟真的不太知道 我後來跑去看哈佛大學報導原文: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/what-is-it-about-coffee 擷取濾紙那段如下: The cholesterol-raising ingredients in coffee are oily substances called diterpenes, and the two main types in coffee are cafestol and kahweol. They are present either as oily droplets or in the grounds floating in the coffee. But a paper filter traps most of the cafestol and kahweol, so coffee that's been filtered probably has little, if any, effect on cholesterol levels. 主要對膽固醇傷害來自於cafestol and kahweol 但會被濾紙所過濾 The best evidence is for paper filters, but an interesting study published in 2011 showed that filtering methods used in Singapore (the so-called sock method, which uses a cotton-nylon cloth) and India (metal mesh) were also effective at trapping cafestol. 2011年有研究,新加坡過濾法(濾紙),印度過濾法(金屬),都可以過濾 cafestol and kahweol There is a twist to this aspect of the coffee story, because cafestol and kahweol may also have some health benefits that are lost when they're filtered out. The research is in the preliminary stages, but cafestol and kahweol could have some anticancer effects and be good for the liver. 但cafestol and kahweol說不定對人也有好處 如抗癌及肝臟,需要有更多研究