Sky Dancer 的照片和影片 -///-
2. Pics:
Sky Dancer = Hua Zhi Zhao Zhan (Squid Morning Cut)
Hua Zhi Zhao Zhan is originally created from this USA toy !!!!
大概是說他是一種新的美國玩具 很像花枝招展的表情
When Hua Zhi Zhao Zhan showed up last year, I was trying to find its name and
how it was created.
And recently, I just met an american friend, and he finally answers my wonder.
So, Danyy just wants to share this with everyone ^___________^
大概是說去年開始出現這種玩意 丹尼試著找出它的名字和它是如何被製造的
後來遇到一個美國人才告訴他這玩意的名稱 所以希望給大家看看吧
中文是我翻的 希望大家看的懂 XD