[情報] 4/15/15 Patch Notes

作者: moonh4 (山塔納的指甲垢)   2015-04-16 10:04:49
4/15/15 Patch Notes: Fortress of Souls
Today, 05:19 PM
1.5.7 Build Note Fortress of Souls / Soulbound Weapons
Fortress of Souls
Apostle Soltar and his army woke up from the spell!
Help Archon stop Soltar's evil plan and collect the materials to create a Soul
bound weapon!
Fortress of Souls can be entered after you have cleared Episode 2-1 in Hard mo
To avoid detection from Soltar, a Hero can enter the Fortress of Souls only on
ce per day. So gather up more Heroes to clear the Fortress of Souls!
Update celebration event
When you attempt the Fortress of Souls for the first time each day, Lednas wil
l give you a reward whether you win or lose.
Soulbound Weapons
Collect the pieces of the legendary crystal sword, Danan, and create a Soulbou
nd weapon!
You can forge a 4 star Soulbound weapon, and upgrade it to a 6 star weapon.
★4 Soulbound weapon - 2 upgrade options
★5 Soulbound weapon - 2 upgrade options, 1 passive option
★6 Soulbound weapon - 2 upgrade option, 1 strengthen passive option
The Heroes that have a Soulbound weapons unique to them are:
Warrior : Leon, Joan of Arc, Susanoo, Vivian, Kaori, Monte
Paladin: Kriemhild, Thor, Alexander, Achilles, Pirate Drake, Vane
Archer : Sigruna, Gon, Hanzo, Robin Hood, R-9999, Giparang
Hunter : D'artagnan, Maxi, Sypro, Sneak, Crow, Vincent
Wizard : Dorothy, Archon, Korin, Sasquatch, Lilith, Rachel
Priest : Maria, Mew, Nightingale, Yeowoodong, Nurspy, Woompa Woopa
Legendary Heroes Quests
3 legendary Heroes quest has been added!
Sigruna: Nostalgic Taste
D’artagnan: Trista's Army
Maria: Mischievous Saintess!
Weapon Tome
A tome with a list of Soulbound and normal weapons has been added!
New Store Item
A golden box where you can get 4~6 star weapons and old weapons has been added
to the store!
Bread Balance Fixes
The training rate and great rate has been fixed for doughnut type breads
Original: 70% great rate chance for doughnut type bread.
Changed: 40% great rate chance for doughnut type bread
Weapon Upgrade Balance Fixes
The cost of the weapon upgrading used to be based on the crusader's level, but
it now has changed to depend on the level of the weapon.
New Weapon Upgrade Option Added
Attack power +40~70 (Can start upgrading from crusader level 1)
Defense penetration power +150~350 (Can start upgrading from crusader level 45
Resistance penetration power +150~300 (Can start upgrading from crusader level
Max HP +10~20% (Can start upgrading from crusader level 40)
Physical attack defense +200~400 (Can start upgrading from crusader level 45)
Magic Resistance +200~400 (Can start upgrading from crusader level 50)
Attack Speed 25~40% (Can start upgrading from crusader level 35)
Vamp rate: 10~17.5% (Can start upgrading from crusader level 40)
Some Heroes' block skill passives have been fixed.
Pirate Drake
Existing: Whenever a block is used all allies' critical damage increases by 50
% for 5 seconds. Lower the Anchor! Used afterwards will have increased critica
l chance of 50%
Changed: Whenever a block is used, all allies' critical damage increases by it
s critical damage rate. If an ally deals critical damage using a chain-3 durin
g this effect, all allies' get shields that absorbs damages by 50% of their HP
. (once every 2sec.)
Existing: Whenever a block is used, the leader's SP is recovered by 30. When S
P recovered leader uses chain-3, this hero will also use chain-3 immediately.
Changed: Whenever an ally uses a chain 3 after this block has been used, 2 Res
olute Shots are shot to deal physical damage equal to 250% of attack power. If
it is activated again, the leader and this warrior recover SP by 20.
existing : SP of enemy hit by Driving Arrows will be reduced by 5 with every a
ttack, and decrease attack by 3% of hero's attack for 5 sec.
Changed : When an ally uses a chain-3 after this block has been used, arrows h
ave a 50% chance of exploding, dealing additional physical damage equal to 75%
of attack power, and those enemies hit by the explosion will have their SP de
creased by 5.
Existing: whenever an ally hero uses chain-3, there is a 100% chance to fire a
n additional PD-CROW bullet that deals Physical damage equal to 270% of the he
ro's attack power. 1 second cool down.
Changed: Whenever an ally hero uses chain-3, 3 PD-CROW shots are fired automat
ically dealing physical damage equal to 200% of the hero's attack power. This
shot will have a 50% chance to explode the 2nd time, and deal physical damage
equal to 150% of attack power.
Existing: Getting heals or using own blocks will increase attack damage by 45
for 5 sec and gains 4 SP. This isn't triggered by vamp.
Changed: Getting heals or using own blocks will increase attack damage by 10%
for 5 sec and gains 4 SP. After an ally hero uses a chain-3, the effective rat
es of the blocks used after will increase by 3 times (once per 1 sec.)
Existing: Deals damage to enemies near the syringe equal to the amount recover
ed, and reduces enemy attack power by 15 and SP by 4 for 5 sec.
Changed: Deals damage to enemies near the syringe equal to the amount recovere
d and reduces enemy attack power by 50% for 5 sec. If an ally hero uses a chai
n-3, the power of chain-3 is activated and all allies are healed. (Once every
2 sec.)
Nazrune Balance fixes
Nazrune's basic stats have been changed
1. Nazrune
Defense : 59 → 48
Magic resistance : 249 → 205
2. Nazrune of Harmony
Attack power : 486 → 447
Defense : 75 → 57
Resistance : 310 → 245
3. Nazrune of Nature
Attack power : 777 → 713
Defense : 89 → 66
Resistance power : 368 → 284
Stage Balance Fixes
The attack power of the jelly fish that appears in the Deep Sea stage has been
作者: king9466 (Lithium)   2015-04-16 10:08:00
作者: kendra0606 (Kenya)   2015-04-16 10:09:00
甜甜圈被nerf 幹
作者: kaosu (カオス)   2015-04-16 10:09:00
作者: moonh4 (山塔納的指甲垢)   2015-04-16 10:10:00
作者: bnbn0012300 (bnbn0012300)   2015-04-16 10:10:00
作者: legend74123 (legend74123)   2015-04-16 10:11:00
作者: moonh4 (山塔納的指甲垢)   2015-04-16 10:11:00
作者: renlone (rl)   2015-04-16 10:11:00
作者: s1s1 (胖鳥)   2015-04-16 10:11:00
作者: moonh4 (山塔納的指甲垢)   2015-04-16 10:12:00
作者: renlone (rl)   2015-04-16 10:13:00
作者: jackervator (jokerlin)   2015-04-16 10:14:00
作者: LeftNight (左曲夜鳴)   2015-04-16 10:19:00
作者: s1s1 (胖鳥)   2015-04-16 10:20:00
作者: rajadream (BoNKERSer)   2015-04-16 10:20:00
感覺坤在pvc的buff還不夠明顯 提供sp的爆發力下降了
作者: miso0816 (味噌)   2015-04-16 10:21:00
甜甜圈應該是變成360 +40%
作者: rajadream (BoNKERSer)   2015-04-16 10:25:00
伊莎貝爾還沒有專武QQ.. 好可惜
作者: Jackie1900 (Jackie1900)   2015-04-16 10:26:00
附魔多了加百分比生命, 索桂組合更恐怖了
作者: Nuaaukw (晨曦之憶、)   2015-04-16 10:26:00
小光沒有專武,怒噓 QAQ
作者: akb0049 (Amber)   2015-04-16 10:26:00
甜甜圈是buff 至少4 5 星不必賣了
作者: rajadream (BoNKERSer)   2015-04-16 10:27:00
作者: akb0049 (Amber)   2015-04-16 10:27:00
最爽的還是阿嬤 火符 馬伯
作者: bigbite (子子孫孫永保用)   2015-04-16 10:27:00
樓樓上, 是的
作者: Knossos   2015-04-16 10:28:00
甜甜圈應該是Buff吧 70%太多了 40%差不多
作者: akb0049 (Amber)   2015-04-16 10:28:00
改強越多3c觸發 自帶3c的發動機就會越強
作者: iamsewei (少年阿兵)   2015-04-16 10:28:00
作者: AnnMoMo (暗摸摸)   2015-04-16 10:30:00
作者: rajadream (BoNKERSer)   2015-04-16 10:30:00
作者: ayay2270 (Jimmy)   2015-04-16 10:30:00
作者: allendog789 (bala)   2015-04-16 10:31:00
攻擊力 物防魔防都砍阿
作者: Isinging   2015-04-16 10:32:00
作者: lonelyfon (Macaron)   2015-04-16 10:32:00
動物法 基礎攻擊 物魔防全下降
作者: ayay2270 (Jimmy)   2015-04-16 10:32:00
作者: ching1210 (雲某)   2015-04-16 10:32:00
作者: watermelon92 (ACE)   2015-04-16 10:33:00
作者: Jackie1900 (Jackie1900)   2015-04-16 10:34:00
作者: allendog789 (bala)   2015-04-16 10:35:00
作者: flashcat (喵光)   2015-04-16 10:36:00
作者: david789321 (天煞孤星台客林)   2015-04-16 10:38:00
作者: peter41308 (peter)   2015-04-16 10:38:00
作者: ayay2270 (Jimmy)   2015-04-16 10:39:00
作者: Jackie1900 (Jackie1900)   2015-04-16 10:43:00
作者: rajadream (BoNKERSer)   2015-04-16 10:44:00
作者: driger47 (張peter)   2015-04-16 10:45:00
作者: q033756345 (@@雞眼)   2015-04-16 10:49:00
不意外 更新延長了
作者: liilliiliilx (還說是高手)   2015-04-16 10:51:00
作者: coldeden (異位姓皮膚炎)   2015-04-16 10:51:00
12:00 豪不易外XDD
作者: LeftNight (左曲夜鳴)   2015-04-16 10:53:00
patchnote有改 甜甜圈訓練值*2
作者: vinxu (謎之音)   2015-04-16 10:56:00
作者: kenny00368 (杏仁餅)   2015-04-16 11:01:00
烏鴉改成怎麼樣啊 看不懂 QQ
作者: vintw (陽光好青年)   2015-04-16 11:05:00
作者: vinxu (謎之音)   2015-04-16 11:06:00
新魯洨組合? 海盜貓補桂香 OR 海盜索爾桂香
作者: july81212 (冰塊)   2015-04-16 11:06:00
小護士要起飛了嗎 50%減攻擊的debuff
作者: xgrass   2015-04-16 11:07:00
烏鴉: 隊友使用3C後 普攻變成3發200%傷害的子彈,並且有50%的機率爆炸造成150%的傷害
作者: thuko8652 (Romanee)   2015-04-16 11:08:00
甜甜圈看清楚 沒有nerf
作者: muzik (fin)   2015-04-16 11:08:00
作者: vinxu (謎之音)   2015-04-16 11:09:00
作者: july81212 (冰塊)   2015-04-16 11:09:00
海索桂有點op啊 超魯又會痛
作者: k45446123 (雲林俊傑)   2015-04-16 11:09:00
作者: vinxu (謎之音)   2015-04-16 11:10:00
作者: driger47 (張peter)   2015-04-16 11:15:00
作者: super1937 (豬可殺。不可滷)   2015-04-16 11:27:00
幹QAQ 我都還沒爬上銀牌就被NERF了 我才不到兩個禮拜又要再發一篇健檢文了嗎
作者: Nuaaukw (晨曦之憶、)   2015-04-16 11:27:00
R-0是被送進廠改機了吧……整個被動變不一樣了 XDDD
作者: pilimou (霹靂貓)   2015-04-16 11:28:00
作者: zukidelko (嬰兒肥)   2015-04-16 11:35:00
作者: Jingd (Jingd)   2015-04-16 11:45:00
作者: wWindaZz (Ryan WindaZ)   2015-04-16 11:48:00
有烏鴉的搭配建議嗎? 國鴨鴨可以嗎XD
作者: j17ay1991 (nen)   2015-04-16 11:49:00
作者: fantasy15 (隨風漂流的雲)   2015-04-16 11:52:00
虛鴨鴨火女神,開場一秒定輸贏 XD
作者: eagle7641 (予豈好辯哉)   2015-04-16 11:57:00
甜甜圈算微buff 還好5星的都沒賣www
作者: unforsaken (資浤)   2015-04-16 11:59:00
用兩隻烏鴉會比較厲害嗎 他不是要隊友三消?
作者: s1s1 (胖鳥)   2015-04-16 12:00:00
作者: cupcakes (杯子蛋糕)   2015-04-16 12:14:00
作者: Isinging   2015-04-16 13:17:00
現在冰女神踹下去會有個問號 這樣就不用在那邊算秒數了
作者: fhynm622 (JoJo窩)   2015-04-16 14:57:00

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