savvik (Essay)
2015-07-22 23:00:35解釋一下, SPP 是Sigma 的解 X3F 這種特別的Raw 的一個軟體..........
・By reviewing the image development process, it has improved image quality
of RAW data (X3F file) of the SIGMA dp Quattro series.
・It has improved the image development process of long exposure photography,
for images taken by the SIGMA dp Quattro series.
・It has added the Quick Check Mode to the Main Window (this feature is not
available for RAW data taken with SD9 and SD10 cameras).
・It has added the Specifying Folder function to the “Computer” pane in the
Main Window.
・It has corrected the phenomenon that it occasionally develops corrupted
image data when the X3 Fill Light function is used.
・It has corrected the phenomenon that the brightness level cannot set at 2
or lower if the RAW data is taken with the SIGMA SD1, Merrill series, and dp
Quattro series.
對 dp Q 系列的影像畫質改進
對 dp Q 系列的長曝改進
(很酸的說法就是: 因為dp M 系列庫存賣完了, 所以可以讓dp Q 系列的畫質全力發揮了)
在Main Window 新增了一個 Quick checkMode
在Main Window 新增了一個 特別的子目錄方案...?
修正了一個在使用 Fill Light ( 大家最喜歡的功能) 的問題
修正了 SD1 , M 系列 , Q系列的Raw Data 亮度無法調整到2 或更低的問題......