來源: Diablofans Datamining
數字為權重,出現的機率用加權平均去計算 (分母為全部可出現的綴詞)
武器物理傷害 Weapon damage
武器元素傷害 Elemental damage
能量上限 Maximum resource (hatred, discipline, spirit, arcane power, wrath)
爆回秘 Critical hits grant X arcane power
核屬 Primary stats (Str, Dex, Int)
體 Vitality
跑速 Movement speed
精回命 Life per sprit spent
怒回命 Life per fury spent
法力上限 Maximum mana
法回 Increased mana regeneration
回憎 ased hatred regeneration
回精 Increased spirit regeneration
拾取 Increased gold and health pickup radius
飾品大小傷 damage (rings and amulets only)
武器ED% Weapon damage %
爆率 Critical chance
爆傷 Critical damage
減CD Reduced cooldown of all skills
減耗Reduced resource costs
加命% Life %
金幣 Extra gold from monsters
殺敵加經 Monster kills grant additional experience
攻速 Increased attack speed
減控場 Control impairing effect duration reduction
秒回 Life regeneration per second
血球回 Health globes and potions grant extra life
回聖怒 Wrath regeneration
範圍傷 Chance to deal area damage on hit
單抗 Increased elemental resistance (singular)
全抗 Increased all resistance
格檔 Block chance
護甲 Armor
擊回 Life per hit
殺回 Life per kill
元素增傷 % Elemental skill damage
鑲孔 Socket
技能增傷Increased skill X damage (all)
反傷 Ranged and melee attackers take damage per hit
遠距減傷 Reduced damage from ranged attacks
近戰減傷 Reduced damage from melee attacks
擊中恐懼 % chance to fear on hit (helm only)
傳武爆傷31~35% Critical hit damage 31~35% (select legendary weapons only)
減需 Level requirement reduced
武器擊中恐懼 Chance to fear on hit (weapons only)
擊中目盲 Chance to blind on hit
擊中冰冷 Chance to chill on hit
擊中凍結 Chance to freeze on hit
擊中緩速 Chance to slow on hit
擊中昏迷 Chance to stun on hit
擊中恐懼 Chance to fear on hit
擊中擊退 Chance to knockback on hit
擊中定身 Chance to immobilize on hit
不壞 Ignores durability loss
菁英增傷 Increased damage against elites
菁英減傷 Reduced damage from elites
耗聖怒回命 Life per wrath spent
流血 Chance to inflict bleed damage