[情報] 2.1 PTR

作者: KengC (KengC)   2014-06-26 06:30:05
PTR PATCH 2.1.0 - v2.1.0.25014
To provide feedback on patch 2.1.0, please visit the PTR Feedback forum.
To report any issues you experience while playing, please visit the the PTR Bug Report forum.
For additional information about the PTR, click here.
Table of Contents:
Patch Features
Greater Rifts
The Cesspools
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor
Class-Specific Items
New Seasonal Legendaries
Adventure Mode
Nephalem Rifts
Bug Fixes
Infernal Machine
User Interface
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
New Feature: Seasons
Seasons are an optional, recurring game mode that offers players the opportunity to periodically start fresh, leveling Normal or Hardcore characters from scratch without gold, resources, or previously earned Paragon experience. Similar to the separation between Normal and Hardcore game modes, Seasonal characters will have their own shared stash and artisan progression as well. Any items, gold, or Paragon experience earned during a Season will be rolled over to a player's non-Seasonal characters once the
Season concludes.
Seasons offer unique rewards and new challenges for players, including new Legendaries, an exclusive Transmogrification set only available to those who compete in each Season, and new achievements called Conquests. Progress within a given Season will be tracked in our new Leaderboard system.
To learn more about Seasons, click here.
Please note that Seasons are not yet available for testing on the PTR. This feature will be enabled at a later date.
New Feature: Greater Rifts
Formerly referred to as Tiered Rifts, Greater Rifts are a special type of timed Nephalem Rift. There are an infinite number of Greater Rift levels, and each Greater Rift level will be progressively more difficult than the last.
Completing a Greater Rift within its alloted time will allow players to progress to the next level (and if your time is exceptionally good, you may even skip multiple levels at once). Players can continue progressing through Greater Rift levels so along as they complete the Rift before its timer expires. Once a timer expires, players will reach the end of their current Greater Rift journey and their best results will be tracked in our new Leaderboard system.
To learn more about Greater Rifts, click here.
New Feature: Leaderboards
With the addition of Seasons and Greater Rifts, we want to provide players with a way to measure their progress within each of those environments. To do so, we've created Leaderboards.
Leaderboards will track a variety of competitive player data including Greater Rifts clear times, Seasonal achievement point totals, and Seasonal Conquest completion ranking across several different game styles. Designed to be informative and detailed, Leaderboards will also allow you to compare your progress to that of players within your gameplay region, on your friends list, and in your clan roster.
To learn more about Leaderboards, click here.
New Feature: The Cesspools
In patch 2.1.0 and moving forward, players will now have a chance to spawn a new level environement while in a Nephalem Rift or Greater Rift: The Cesspools.
Originally designed as the sewers of Westmarch, we weren't quite able to include the Cesspools in the list of playable environments in Reaper of Souls by the time the expansion launched. Still, we loved the look and feel of this festering, dank underworld and have spent some time polishing it up for use in Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts. We hope you enjoy this new randomized landscape!
To learn more about the Cesspools, click here.
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An additional Stash Tab is now available for all players with Reaper of Souls
Players will now be disconnected from Diablo III upon being inactive for 30 minutes while outside of a game
Healing Changes
The amount of Life restored by Health Globes from Rare monsters has been reduced from 30% to 15%
The amount of Life restored by Health Globes from Champion and Minion monsters has been reduced from 20% to 15%
The amount of Life Regeneration and Life On Hit granted by items has been increased
These changes apply to all items from level 1 to 70
These changes are retroactive and will apply to existing gear
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Made a number of improvements to the AI of several pets:
Pets that belong to other players will now be less visible
Fixed a number of issues which could sometimes cause pets to not attack a nearby enemy or stand still and stop attacking the enemy they were currently attacking
Pets affected by these improvements include:
Call of the Ancients
Fetish Army
Mystic Ally
Zombie Dogs
Active Skills
Call of the Ancients
Ancients should now more reliably hit moving targets
Korlic's Furious Charge ability now deals damage to enemies he passes through
Mawdawc's Seismic Slam ability now has a small knock up effect instead of the knock back
Skill Rune - Duty to the Clan
Has been redesigned
Enemies hit are now chilled reducing Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds
Chilled enemies have a 10% increased chance to be critically hit
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the ancients to never use their bonus abilities
Fixed an issue that allowed the Ancients to snapshot attack speed when summoned
Damage area has been increased from 120 to 180 degrees to more closely match the visual
Skill Rune - Gathering Storm
Has been redesigned
Now Chills all enemies hit and causes them to take 10% increased damage from all sources for 3 seconds
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Weapon damage increased from 2600% to 4200%
Skill Rune - Giant's Stride
Secondary tremor weapon damage increased from 160% to 200%
Skill Rune - Molten Fury
Weapon damage increased from 4500% to 5100%
Furious Charge
Weapon damage increased from 360% to 540%
Skill Rune - Battering Ram
Weapon damage increased from 760% to 900%
Skill Rune - Bull Rush
The stun has been replaced with a freeze
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Skill Rune - Dreadnought
Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
Ignore Pain
Now grants immunity to all crowd control effects while active
Skill Rune - Bravado
Has been redesigned
Now increases your run speed by 40% and knocks back enemies as you run
Skill Rune - Contempt for Weakness
Has been redesigned
Now instantly heals you for 35% of your maximum Life
Skill Rune - Mutilate
Has been redesigned
Now causes enemies Chilled by Rend to take 10% increased damage from all sources
Seismic Slam
Will now lock on to an enemy you targeted with your mouse if you hold down the button
Weapon damage increased from 1000% to 1100% over 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Lacerate
Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
Skill Rune - Mutilate
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Skill Rune - Ravage
Damage type changed from Physical to Fire
Wrath of the Berserker
Skill Rune - Slaughter
Damage caused by this rune can now trigger procs
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Active Skills
Avatar run speed increased from 100% to 200%
Skill Rune - Bowmen
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused the Bowmen to stop attacking when an enemy was in range, but out of line of sight
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Demon Hunter
Dexterity no longer grants Dodge chance
Dexterity now grants 1 Armor per point
Active Skills
Cluster Arrow
Skill Rune - Maelstrom
Tendril weapon damage increased from 220% to 450%
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Skill Rune - Shooting Stars
Rocket weapon damage increased from 400% to 600%
Skill Rune - Boar Companion
Now cleaves enemies in front of him
Entangling Shot
Skill Rune - Chain Gang
Damage type changed from Poison to Physical
Weapon damage increased from 620% to 750%
Skill Rune - Chemical Burn
Weapon damage increased from 220% to 500% over 2 seconds
Skill Rune - Grievous Wounds
Additional damage on Critical Hit increased from 130% to 330%
Skill Rune - Impact
Stun chance increased from 50% to 100%
Skill Rune - Overpenetration
Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
Skill Rune - Arsenal
Rocket weapon damage increased from 160% to 300%
Skill Rune - Punishment
The Discipline cost has been removed
Now has a 20 second cooldown
Rain of Vengeance
Weapon damage increased from 1250% to 1500% over 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Anathema
Weapon damage increased from 5400% to 5800% over 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Dark Cloud
Weapon damage increased from 2650% to 3500% over 8 seconds
Skill Rune - Flying Strike
Weapon damage increased from 3200% to 3800% over 5 seconds
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Skill Rune - Shade
Weapon damage increased from 2400% to 2800% over 5 seconds
Sill Rune - Stampede
Weapon damage increased from 4200% to 4600% over 6 seconds
Rapid Fire
Weapon damage increased from 525% to 685%
Skill Rune - Bombardment
Weapon damage increased from 465% to 545%
Skill Rune - High Velocity
Pierce chance increased from 40% to 50%
Damage type changed from Poison to Lightning
Skill Rune - Web Shot
Slow duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds
Weapon damage increased from 200% to 280%
Skill Rune - Chain of Torment
Weapon damage increased from 240% to 300% per second
Skill Rune - Impaling Bolt
Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
Skill Rune - Spitfire Turret
Weapon damage increased from 70% to 120%
Shadow Power
Skill Rune - Gloom
Damage reduction increased from 15% to 35%
Skill Rune - Well of Darkness
Cooldown reduced from 14 to 10 seconds
Smoke Screen
Skill Rune - Special Recipe
Cooldown has been removed
Now reduces the Discipline cost to 10
Spike Trap
Weapon damage increased from 250% to 340%
Skill Rune - Echoing Blast
Weapon damage increased from 250% to 420% per explosion
Skill Rune - Lightning Rod
Weapon damage increased from 280% to 500%
Skill Rune - Long Fuse
Weapon damage increased from 300% to 520% per explosion
Skill Rune - Sticky Trap
Weapon damage increased from 680% to 800%
Weapon damage increased from 400% to 575%
Skill Rune - Demolition
Weapon damage increased from 340% to 400%
Skill Rune - Emberstrafe
Weapon damage increased from 80% to 185% over 2 seconds
Skill Rune - Rocket Storm
Weapon damage increased from 90% to 110%
Skill Rune - Stinging Steel
Extra damage on Critical Hit increased from 130% to 140%
Skill Rune - Acrobatics
Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
Skill Rune - From the Shadows
Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
Passive Skills
Has been redesigned
Now when you receive fatal damage, you instead vanish for 2 seconds and regenerate 50% of maximum life
This effect has a 60 second cooldown
No longer increases your Life by 10%
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Dexterity no longer grants Dodge chance
Dexterity now grants 1 Armor per point
Active Skills
Crippling Wave
Weapon damage increased from 143% to 175%
Skill Rune - Mangle
Weapon damage increased from 216% to 265%
Skill Rune - Rising Tide
Spirit generated on Critical Hit increased from 4 to 6
Skill Rune - Tsunami
Every third hit now also Freezes enemies for 1.5 seconds
Cyclone Strike
Skill Rune - Wall of Wind
Has been redesigned
Now Freezes enemies for 1.5 seconds after pulling them in
Deadly Reach
Weapon damage increased from 109% to 120%
Skill Rune - Foresight
Buff duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Skill Rune - Keen Eye
Has been removed
New skill rune added: "Searing Grasp"
Increases weapon damage dealt to 200%
Skill Rune - Piercing Trident
Chance to knock enemies up on the third hit increased to 100%
Skill Rune - Scattered Blows
Third hit weapon damage increased from 156% to 185%
Skill Rune - Strike from Beyond
Has been redesigned
Now reduces the Spirit cost of your next Spirit spender by 8% for each enemy hit by the third hit
Exploding Palm
Weapon damage increased from 1179% to 1685% over 9 seconds
Skill Rune - Essence Burn
Weapon damage increased from 1623% to 2620% over 9 seconds
Weapon damage of the explosion DoT effect increased from 258% to 640% over 3 seconds
Skill Rune - Impending Doom
Weapon damage increased from 2149% to 3265% over 12 seconds
Fists of Thunder
First and second hit weapon damage increased from 122% to 255%
Third hit weapon damage increased from 183% to 510%
Skill Rune - Bounding Light
Weapon damage increased from 195% to 240%
Skill Rune - Quickening
Spirit generated on Critical Hit increased from 4 to 6
Skill Rune - Static Charge
Additional weapon damage dealt to enemies affected by Static Charge increased from 125% to 180%
Skill Rune - Thunderclap
Shockwave weapon damage increased from 95% to 105%
Skill Rune - Wind Blast
Freeze duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds
Seven-Sided Strike
Significantly increased proc coefficient
Skill Rune - Fulminating Onslaught
Explosion weapon damage reduced from 977% to 877% per hit
Significantly increased proc coefficient
Skill Rune - Pandemonium
Has been redesigned
Now removes the Spirit cost and Freezes all enemies hit for 7 seconds
Significantly increased proc coefficient
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Skill Rune - Sudden Assault
Weapon damage increased from 6477% to 8285%
Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
Significantly increased proc coefficient
Skill Rune - Sustained Attack
Cooldown reduced from 17 to 14 seconds
Significantly increased proc coefficient
Sweeping Wind
Weapon damage increased from 30% to 60% per stack
Skill Rune - Blade Storm
Weapon damage increased from 40% to 85% per stack
Skill Rune - Cyclone
Tornado weapon damage increased from 23% to 35%
Skill Rune - Master of Wind
Has been redesigned
Enemies damaged by Sweeping Wind for 3 consecutive seconds while the vortex is at 3 stacks will now be Frozen for 2 seconds
Enemies cannot be Frozen by Sweeping Wind more than once every 3 seconds
Tempest Rush
Weapon damage increased from 240% to 260
Skill Rune - Northern Breeze
Weapon damage increased from 285% to 310%
Wave of Light
Skill Rune - Numbing Light
Has been removed
New skill rune added: "Shattering Light"
Frozen targets have a 20% increased chance to be critically hit by Wave of Light
Skill Rune - Wall of Light
Now has a 40% chance to stun enemies
Removed knockback
Way of the Hundred Fists
Weapon damage increased from 192% to 220%
Removed the target cap on the third hit
Skill Rune - Hands of Lightning
Weapon damage increased from 429% to 490%
Skill Rune - Spirited Salvo
Has been removed
New skill rune added: "Assimilation"
Each enemy hit by the third hit increased your damage by 5%
Skill Rune - Windforce Flurry
Wave of wind weapon damage increased from 191% to 285%
Passive Skills
One With Everything
Has been removed
New passive added: "Harmony"
30% of your single elemental resistances from items instead increases your resistance to all elements
Has been removed
New passive added: "Determination"
Your damage is increased by 4% for each enemy within 12 yards of you up to a maximum of 20%
Relentless Assault
New passive skill
Available at Level 30
You deal 20% more damage to enemies that are Blind, Frozen, or Stunned
Seize the Initiative
Has been removed
Will be replaced by another passive skill in the future
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Witch Doctor
The collision boxes for the following pets have had their radii reduced
Zombie Dogs
Active Skills
Corpse Spiders
Weapon damage increased from 324% to 576%
Skill Rune - Blazing Spiders
Weapon damage increased from 400% to 700%
Skill Rune - Leaping Spiders
Weapon damage increased from 383% to 646%
Skill Rune - Spider Queen
Weapon damage increased from 1575% to 2625%
Fetish Army
Skill Rune - Fetish Ambush
Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
Locust Swarm
Skill Rune - Devouring Swarm
Has been redesigned
Now grants 25 mana per second as long as the first enemy hit is still alive
Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
Skill Rune - Cloud of Insects
Damage type changed from Poison to Physical
Mass Confusion
Skill Rune - Devolution
Chance to summon a Zombie Dog reduced from 50% to 30%
Poison Dart
Skill Rune - Flaming Dart
Weapon damage increased from 425% to 565% over 4 seconds
Has been redesigned
Now sacrifices a single dog at a time
The dog will now be thrown to you cursor location and detonates on impact
Weapon damage increased from 185% to 1090%
If you're wearing The Tall Man's Finger, the damage is tripled to 3270% weapon damage for sacrificing your dog
You do not gain additional damage if your giant dog represents more than 3 normal dogs
Skill Rune - Black Blood
Has been redesigned
Now stuns enemies in the impact area for 3 seconds
Skill Rune - Pride
Mana gained increased from 60 to 280 per dog
Skill Rune - For the Master
Has been redesigned
All your dogs will now be sacrificed in a single cast for 1090% weapon damage each
Skill Rune - Provoke the Pack
Has been redesigned
Now gain 20% increased damage for 5 seconds when you sacrifice a dog
This buff gains a stack with each cast and has a maximum of 10 stacks
Spirit Barrage
Skill Rune - Well of Souls
Damage type changed from Cold to Fire
Passive Skills
Circle of Life
Chance to summon a Zombie Dog has been reduced from 30% to 15%
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Active Skills
Arcane Torrent
Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
Weapon damage increased from 573% to 670%
Skill Rune - Arcane Mines
Weapon damage increased from 688% to 825%
Skill Rune - Death Blossom
Weapon damage increased from 1452% to 1725%
Weapon damage increased from 807% to 910%
Skill Rune - Unrelenting Storm
Weapon damage increased from 1296% to 1360%
Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
Weapon damage increased from 511% to 580%
Skill Rune - Entropy
Weapon damage increased from 649% to 745%
Energy Twister
Weapon damage increased from 1000% to 1525%
Skill Rune - Raging Storm
Weapon damage increased from 1935% to 3200%
Weapon damage increased from 179% to 240%
Weapon damage increased from 66% to 195%
Skill Rune - Arcane Hydra
Weapon damage increased from 111% to 245%
Skill Rune - Blazing Hydra
Weapon damage increased from 108% to 185% over 3 seconds
Skill Rune - Frost Hydra
Weapon damage increased from 108% to 275%
Skill Rune - Lightning Hydra
Weapon damage increased from 138% to 305%
Skill Rune - Mammoth Hydra
Weapon damage increased from 178% to 400%
Magic Missile
Weapon damage increased from 170% to 230%
Skill Rune - Charged Blast
Weapon damage increased from 240% to 325%
Skill Rune - Seeker
Weapon damage increased from 211% to 285%
Molten fire weapon damage increased from 167% to 190% over 3 seconds
Skill Rune - Comet
Freezing mist weapon damage increased from 197% to 224% over 3 seconds
Skill Rune - Molten Impact
Molten fire weapon damage increased from 549% to 625% over 3 seconds
Ray of Frost
Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
Weapon damage increased from 510% to 605%
Skill Rune - Sleet Storm
Weapon damage increased from 375% to 455%
Passive Skills
Cold Blooded
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent skills from refreshing this skill when their Chilled duration was refreshed
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A new Legendary consumable has been added
Ramalandi's Gift
Use on an unsocketed item to add the maximum number of sockets that item type allows
Several existing Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Depth Diggers
Legendary Power added
All resource generators deal 80-100% more damage
Kymbo's Gold
Legendary Power added
Picking up gold heals you for an amount equal to the gold that was picked up
Note: This power has not yet implemented
Sash of Knives
Legendary Power added
Chance on attack to throw a dagger at a nearby enemy for 275-350% weapon damage
Legendary Power added
Allows Rend to be applied twice
Bastion's Revered
Legendary Power added
Increases maximum number of Frenzy stacks to 10
Angel Hair Braid
Legendary Power added
Allows Punish to gain the effect of all runes
Eternal Union
Legendary Power added
Increases the duration of all Phalanx Avatars by 200%
Demon Hunter
Flint Ripper Arrowheads
Legendary Power added
Ball Lightning now travels at 50% speed
Note: Existing items will not be affected by these changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
Class-Specific Items
Blade of Prophecy
The text on this item no longer improperly states that all enemies hit by Condemn will trigger another explosion
Demon Hunter
Embodiment of the Marauder
(6) Set Bonus
Fixed an issue that caused Hatred spenders cast by the Sentries to have a slower attack speed than intended
Natalya's Vengeance
(4) Set Bonus
Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 2 seconds per kill
Now also triggers on assists
The Shadow's Mantle
(2) Set Bonus
Now, upon receiving fatal damage you instead automatically cast Smoke Screen and are healed to 25% Life
This effect may only occur once every 120 seconds
(4) Set Bonus
Has been redesigned
Now causes Shadow Power to last forever
Firebird's Finery
(6) Set Bonus
Weapon damage increased from 300% to 2000% over 5 seconds
Several existing class-specific Legendary items have also been updated to include a unique Legendary power (please see above)
New Seasonal Legendaries
Bottomless Potion of Rejuvination
New Legendary Potion
Restores 15% of your primary resource when used below 25% Life
Krelm's Buff Belt
New Legendary Belt
Grants a 20% Movement Speed bonus
Taking damage causes you to lose this effect for 15 seconds
Krelm's Buff Bracers
New Legendary Bracers
Grant you immunity to Knockback and Stun effects
x1_FollowerItem_Legendary_03 (Name still TBD)
New Legendary Follower item
Equip on Follower: Reduces the cooldown of all Follower skills by 50%
New Legendary one-handed Mighty Weapon
Grants Hammer of the Ancients a 25-30% chance to summon an Ancient for 20 seconds
Amazonian Parma
New Legendary Shield
Allows Phalanx to summon twice as many Avatars
Applies to all rune variants
P1_CruShield_norm_unique_01 (Name still TBD)
New Legendary Crusader Shield
Removes the cooldown of Condemn
Condemn now costs 40 Wrath
Demon Hunter
Leonine Bow of Hashir
New Legendary Bow
Grants Bola Shot a 15-20% chance on explosion to pull in all enemies within 24 yards
Alabaster Gloves
New Legendary Gloves
Increases the duration of Sweeping Wind to 1 minute
Witch Doctor
Seasonal Legendary not yet implemented
p1_Wand_norm_unique_01 (Name still TBD)
New Wand
Removes the cooldown of Teleport
Teleport now costs 25 Arcane Power
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Bad Time to Be a Beast
Number of kills required has been reduced from 500,000 to 250,000
Bouncing from Bounty to Bounty
Number of bounties required has been reduced from 50,000 to 5,000
Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
Number of bounties required has been reduced from 100,000 to 7,500
Bounteous Maximus
Number of bounties required has been reduced from 150,000 to 10,000
Death Death and More Death
Number of kills has been reduced from 2,500,000 to 750,000
The Million Monster Mortality
Has been renamed to "Killin' It"
Number of kills required has been reduced from 1,000,000 to 500,000
Some Hordes
Number of kills required has been reduced from 5,000,000 to 1,000,000
Splinter is Coming
Number of kills required has been reduced from 25,000 to 1,000
Ten Grand and Counting
Has been renamed to "Bountiful Bounties"
Number of bounties required has been reduced from 10,000 to 2,500
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The following Bounties have had their gold and XP reward values decreased:
Act I - Clear Khazra Den
Act II - Complete event: A Miner's Gold
Act III - Clear Cryder's Outpost
Act III - Clear Forward Barracks
Act IV - Clear Hell Rift level 2
Act V - Complete event: The Miser
Nephalem Rifts
The cost to open a Nephalem Rift has been reduced from 5 Rift Fragments (total) to 1 Rift Fragment (per player)
Each player must pay the 1 Rift Fragment cost in order to enter a Nephalem Rift
You can no longer click the Rift Obelisk to open a new rift while one is already open
Conduit Pylon duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds only while in a Greater Rift
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that allowed the matchmaking system to place players in games with open rifts where the rift guardian has already been killed
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The number of Magic materials required to craft Legendary and set Bracers has been reduced from 120 to 72
When Transmogrifying an item with existing visual effects into a Legendary item, the original item's visual effects will no longer be displayed in addition to the Legendary item's visual effects
Torment-only Set items can now be restored to their original appearance after being transmogrified
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Infernal Machine
A new reward has been added: The Hellfire Amulet
New Legendary amulet
Will randomly roll a passive appropriate to your class
Available for purchase from Squirt in Act II for 5 million gold
Requires the same materials to craft as the Hellfire Ring plus 10 additional Forgotten Souls
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The Skeleton King will now drop the Leoric's Crown the first time you kill him from level 11 to level 65
Larvas will now also drop loot
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could prevent some DoTs from dealing damage while Treasure Goblins were running
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Character "Minis" have been added to Profiles
Added a text box to the friends list that will filter the list as you type
Filter settings on the Clan News pane will now be saved even if you log out
The Achievements drop down filter will now save your selection as long as you remain logged in
Holding down Shift when comparing items will now exclude bonuses provided by sockets from the comparison
Messages will now convert to a whisper after space is pressed when entering a player name
New messages will now prioritize your whisper targets if you are currently whispering someone
A new hotkey has been added to display the chat window
You can now force the chat window to be displayed by holding down the X key
Bug Fixes
Players will now properly be notified when the Party Leader changes the games difficulty setting
Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent the last few monsters required to clear a bounty from displaying on the minimap
Fixed an issue preventing Paragon levels and portraits from displaying on the Heroes Profile tab for offline players
Fixed an issue causing Paragon portrait award toasts to pop up before a new portrait was actually earned
Fixed an issue that was improperly limiting Community news posts to a character limit that was lower than intended
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Fixed an issue that was causing frame rate to cap at 60 FPS with Vertical Sync enabled

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