※ 引述《boring7382 (無聊)》之銘言:
: 1.ptr是啥意思 bz放這伺服器要做啥
: 2.那我現在在亞洲玩跟在ptr玩 有差嗎 差在哪
: 3.到時候ptr人物會被刪掉嗎
Public Test Realm (PTR) is used to test patches before they're released.
To participate in the PTR,
-Open Battle.net Launcher, select Diablo III from the menu on the left.
-Change server to PTR:《奪魂之鐮》
-Install and play the patch 2.1 PTR.
You may copy your game data from live server, but the game progress do not
share with their originals on live servers.
: 4.賽季開始的話只能在這ptr去報名參加嗎
You can join a race once we path live servers to 2.1, Soon™!
: 有請無敵高手講解 拜託了
: 其他有想到的 請補上來
: 一定一堆人霧煞煞