Blizzard is being attacked by an unknown threat over the internet via DDOS.
The attackers said they will only stop once blizzard stops making retarded
decisions with Diablo 3. That they want to see unused sets changed / buffed
instead of new sets / the best sets being changed. That Ancients items are a
lame excuse at creating more end game content. They want more blues posting
on the forums, communicating with the players of what exactly is going on
with this game. They no longer want to be left in the dark for months about
patch information. Gaben be praised they succeed.
The attackers have stated more information on the issue."The fact that Diablo
goes for months with no updates and that the season hasn't ended yet is a
huge concern for us, the gamers who devote hours to this game. It isn't the
hate for the game that has caused this attack but the love for it. We want to
see proper balance, we are sick of playing Demon Hunter 3: Demon Hunter
Boards. We want to see all classes be able to shine, be fun to play, instead
of watching our friends instantly clear high content with next to no little
effort. We will release more information as our attack continues. Gaben be
把那些屎渣套裝改強好嗎 別整天想推新套裝
藍帖多出點好嗎 玩家好像瞎子摸象搞不清你們想法
還有你們自己看 D3幾個月沒更新了
我們可不是討厭D3才攻擊你們 我們是愛D3才攻擊你們
我們要的是平衡 D3現在根本是DH3
我們會再繼續有進一步消息 上帝保佑
好吧 看了心有戚戚焉