DavisX 2015-03-30 10:22:00來源:
alkaziers_pylon_manipulation_for_dummies/cpry5gg (wyattcheng)
Hi! :)
When I read the question regarding pylons during the Tavern Talk I thought
the person asking wanted pylons removed from Greater Rifts completely.
This particular issue was fixed over a month ago internally, but we decided
to hold the fix for patch 2.2 rather than hotfix it directly to live.
For those who are curious, the fix is pretty simple. If you intentionally
manipulate the mechanics to force the pylons to queue up with nowhere to
spawn in unexplored area then you simply lose the pylons instead.
之前有巴巴神衝大秘, 有留未探區域來硬生多支Pylon出來打王, 會被改掉機制...
會改成直接不見! (個人猜想: 大概會多算個Pylon的密度來決定之類的)