nash (閒人)
2015-04-08 06:29:45來看看藍帖說明 http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/16953975329
We weren't happy with the final iteration of Mortick’s Brace on the PTR,
so we have disabled it from dropping with the 2.2.0 patch. We may revisit
this item in a later patch. Unfortunately, the early version of the patch
notes that went out did not reflect this change. However, they have since
been updated.
We sincerely apologize for the confusion!
偉哉 BZ 砍了血濺二次加成 砍了500%增傷 最後2.2更新了 再砍你超賽護腕
唉 PTR頭抬太高的下場就是砍得也比別人兇
PTR測這麼久 測心酸的 一堆BD要砍掉重練 遠古布刀也可以收起來了