無盡混沌藥水 Bottomles Ppotion of Chaos
凱哈塞特的正義腰帶 Khassett's Cord of Righteousness
活力寶石 Invigorating Gemstone
阿克漢的戰鎧 Armor of Akkhan
黑暗之光 Darklight
召魔者的棘刺 Thorns of the Invoker
災虐 Calamity
惡魔滅絕 The Demon's Demise
知識之眼 Gyana Na Kashu
千颶戰甲 Raiment of a Thousand Storms
獄牙戰裝 Helltooth Harness
魔胎 Homunculus
空虛之戒 Ring of Emptiness
不死鳥的華服 Firebird's Finery
扭曲之劍 The Twisted Sword
巨人束腰 Girdle of Giant
塔格奧之旋 Trag'Oul Coils
罪痕 Scarbringer
滅亡凝視 Gazing Demise
星火 Starfire