Diablo II: Resurrected | 10.15 - PC Patch Notes - Build 1.0.66477
A new patch is now available for PC only.
To share your feedback, please post in the Diablo II: Resurrected forum 9.
To report a PC bug, visit our Bug Report forum 4.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.
We have implemented a Login Queue for high traffic periods. This queue will
pop up after the title screen when opening up the game. The queue will only
appear during high traffic windows.
Players will be shown a number on where they are in queue.
Players will have the option of exiting the queue and playing offline
immediately if they wish by hitting “Escape” on the queue prompt.
排隊過程中 玩家隨時可以選擇按ESC離開列隊 去遊玩不用等待的離線模式
We should note that the higher your queue number appears, the slower the
number will refresh in the prompt. The number is still refreshing in the
background, so we do not recommend leaving queue as this will create further
delays to you entering the game during these high traffic windows.
排隊的數字越大 提示視窗中顯示的數字刷新速度就越慢
所以在尖峰時段不建議離開列隊重排 因為這樣會等更久才能進入遊戲
We expect a patch in the next week that will implement the same queue
functionality to consoles.
This in follow-up to our post yesterday regarding how we plan on mitigating
some of our login issues players have been experiencing during high traffic
windows. You can read more of that post here 43.
昨天有發一篇說明最近的狀況 (這篇記得板上好像有翻譯)
大概是這樣 排隊王之怒2.0 (゜∀゜)
不過感覺總比進去打了結果掉寶被回溯好 (?)