Jotarun (forever)
2022-07-09 03:07:43https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo3/23826543/diablo-iii-ptr-2-7-4-preview
實在太多新的不好翻 等中文版
賽季27 新材料: Angelic Crucibles
可以把傳奇物品打造成完美的遠古狀態 保留原本傳說物品的能力
而且還會增加一個特殊能力 每個職業不同 三選一
- 此物品僅限賽季使用 無法轉移到非賽季腳色
- 70等之後世界掉落
- 打造次數不限 但一次只能裝備一件
- 同一個物品可重複打造
- 物品本身數值不保留
- 僅限等級70 可裝備物品 製作的不行
- 追隨者不能裝
(各職業可獲得能力就先不翻了 有緣再翻)
Whirlwind pulls in and holds all enemies within 25 yards.
Hammer of the Ancients hits in all directions around the Barbarian. Every
seventh cast of Hammer of the Ancients unleashes a powerful shockwave.
Hitting enemies generates stacks of Tempest Rhythm. Activating Wrath of the
Berserker consumes 50 stacks of Tempest Rhythm and startles enemies within 16
yards, causing them to take 0.5% increased damage per stack for 10 seconds.
Max 100 stacks.
Blessed Hammer now crackles with energy damaging enemies within 15 yards of
its path. All runes but Dominion now throw the hammer in a direct path in
front of the Crusader.
Every two seconds, call down Fist of the Heavens on a random nearby enemy.
After casting Falling Sword, you descend from the sky with two Archangels
that wield immense holy skills and benefit from your holy damage skill
Demon Hunter
Strafe now casts the last non-channeled Hatred spending ability casted.
Casting Vengeance unleashes a barrage of rockets that deal damage equal to a
percentage of an enemy’s current hit points. The percentage per rocket is
reduced if the enemy is an Elite or Boss. This effect cannot occur more than
once every 60 seconds.
Firing Cluster Arrow concentrates its explosive force into a piercing ray of
Casting Wave of Light now summons a bell at the target location that deals
damage when the caster attacks the bell. Up to seven bells can be active at
one time.
All Way of the Hundred Fists combo punches use the second stage combo punch.
The target of your Seven-Sided Strike is barraged with spiritual punches for
15 seconds. This can only affect one enemy at a time.
Your Golem now picks up corpses within 20 yards. Each corpse it stores allows
you to cast any corpse spending ability with the max number of corpses
consumed per cast. Up to 30 corpses can be stored.
Enemies within 50 yards are constantly assaulted by the Army of the Dead -
Unconventional Warfare while this item is equipped.
Hitting enemies with Death Nova five consecutive times adds a spirit that
afflicts an enemy every fifth cast of Death Nova. Up to three spirits can be
sent at a time.
Witch Doctor
Five seconds after casting Haunt, all Haunted enemies within 50 yards are
pulled to the Witch Doctor.
Horrify becomes an aura that causes enemies to receive 15% more damage and
deal 15% less damage in addition to its other effects.
Your Gargantuan spreads Locusts Swarm to any enemy within 16 yards and
summons Zombie Dogs periodically. Zombie Dogs now gain every rune when
Casting Storm Armor sends a power thunderbolt from the skies that instantly
kills a random enemy within 30 yards. Bosses are not killed but take
significant damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.
Arcane Orb now periodically spawns up to four orbiting charges that will
generate an additional orb when cast. All charges from the Arcane Orbit rune
now detonate at the same time.
Magic Missile fires 20 missiles and gains the effect of the Seeker rune.
- 以後可以直接開冒險模式 不用全破劇情
- 統一各平台難度選擇條件 現在新角色可以開普通~煉獄6 等級70以後可以開煉獄7~16
- 煉獄裝置首領現在擊敗後60秒會關門 你可以直接開一個新的門 而不用重開一個新遊戲
物品更新 (有緣翻)
Guardian's Jeopardy (2-piece bonus): Your base Vitality attribute from
equipped items is increased by 50%.
Guardian's Jeopardy (3-piece bonus): Your base Strength, Dexterity, and
Intelligence attributes from equipped items are increased by 50%.
Developer's Note: We've heard from players that the Crafted 3-piece sets have
had some of the most significant impacts on itemization, so we're introducing
another to add more choice.
Armor of Akkhan (2-piece bonus): Judgment has no cooldown and gains the
effect of every rune.
Armor of Akkhan (4-piece bonus): Attacks from Phalanx Avatars reduce the
cooldown of Akarat's Champion by 0.5 seconds, and also apply Condemn when
attacking enemies that is affected by Judgment.
Eternal Union: Increases the duration of summoned Phalanx Bowmen and
Bodyguard indefinitely.
Developer's Note: Our goal with the Armor of Akkhan rework is to narrow the
focus of the set to give a distinctive identify, highlighting a fantasy where
the Crusader is the Knight-Commander, passing judgment on the enemies of the
Trag'Oul's Avatar (2-piece bonus): Blood Rush and Siphon Blood gains the
effect of every rune. Your Life-spending abilities no longer cost Essence.
Trag'Oul's Avatar (4-piece bonus): While at full Life, your healing from
skills is added to your maximum Life for 45 seconds, up to 300% more.
Trag'Oul's Avatar (6-piece bonus): Your Life-spending abilities deal 10,000%
increased damage and your healing from skills is increased by 100%.
Iron Rose: Attacking with Siphon Blood has a 100% chance to cast a free Blood
Nova. After cumulatively losing 10% of your maximum Life, your Death Nova
deals 40% increased damage for 60 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
Funerary Pick: Siphon Blood from 2 additional targets. Each target takes 300%
increased damage from you. The bonus from Siphon Blood - Power Shift is now
20% per stack and benefits all skills.
Developer's Note: We wanted to recapture the Blood Necromancer fantasy of
Trag'Oul's Avatar and increase its effectiveness against single targets.
Delsere's Magnum Opus (2-piece bonus): Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister,
Magic Missile, Shock Pulse, Spectral Blade, Electrocute, Meteor, or Arcane
Torrent also casts Slow Time at a target. This effect will not trigger if the
target is already inside a Slow Time bubble. The cooldown of Teleport will
reset while you're inside bubbles generated from this set or cast by you.
Delsere's Magnum Opus (4-piece bonus): You take 75% reduced damage while you
have a Slow Time active. Allies inside your Slow Time gain half benefit.
Crown of the Primus: Slow Time gains the effect of every rune and permanently
follows you.
Tal Rasha's Elements (2-piece bonus): Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold,
Fire or Lightning will grant immunity to that element and cause a Meteor of
the same damage type to fall from the sky. The same meteor cannot happen
twice in a row.
Tal Rasha's Elements (4-piece bonus): Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning
attacks each increase all of your resistances by 50% for 8 seconds.
The Smoldering Core: Lesser enemies are now lured to your Meteor impact
areas. Meteors deals 40-50% increased damage on consecutive hits to the same
target. This stacks up to 10 times.
Developer's Note: Delsere's Magnum Opus has been feeling weak, clunky and
isn't meeting the desired gameplay flow, so we've streamlined the playstyle
to make it more engaging, allowing Wizards to feel like masters of time. The
core of Tal Rasha's Elements has changed over time, so we're revisiting it to
reintroduce a playstyle that utilizes Meteor.
天地元靈獲得全部五種符文的效果。攻擊敵人會產生你所選擇的天地元靈,持續 15 秒
,最多 10 個。每召喚出一個元靈,便可使你的元靈傷害提高 900%
開發者備註: 爽太久了 砍
- 修正 玄穹信使 不會掉落的問題
- 修正 克里森船長 3件效果常常消失的問題
- 修正 骸骨尖刺 虹吸血液 提示傷害數值
- 減少迴盪夢魘獎勵83%