Jotarun (forever)
2023-07-08 03:49:01https://bit.ly/46HdyqT
Enhanced Blood Lance now pierces up to a maximum of 10 enemies.
Aspect of Hungry Blood now fires up to a maximum of 3 Blood Lances per cast.
渴血之精華 現在每次施法最多只會增加三發鮮血之槍
Developer Note: This is indeed a nerf to Blood Lance, but Blood Lance has
been so good for Necromancers that it has been crashing the game! This is a
temporary solve while the team reworks the way the Legendary Aspect will
function, and we expect this change sometime in Season 1 or shortly after.
暫時削弱鮮血之槍 (因為現在會導致遊戲崩潰)
會重新設計傳奇精華 預計在賽季1開始時或稍晚上線
Gameplay Changes
The first Whisper Cache you acquire will now always grant a Nightmare Sigil.
Bug Fixes
Further stability improvements.