Canon EOS R Firmware v.1.1.0 changes:
Support for “continuous shooting” is available
when “silent shutter” has been enabled.
Corrects a phenomenon in which an error may occur
if there is a large number of files
in a specific format on the memory card.
Corrects a phenomenon in which an error
may occur when silent shutter has been enabled.
Corrects a phenomenon in which horizontal linear noise
may occur when using specific lenses
together with certain recording image quality settings.
Corrects a phenomenon in which the information
displayed in the viewfinder may become abnormal.
乾 好像都是除bug AFC眼對焦咧?!?
1.測光不穩定 有時會突然爆炸亮
2.AFC不穩定 有時會拍個幾張中間有一兩張莫名大脫焦