是說好幾年前買了Luminar3跟Luminar4早鳥套票 因為Luminar3的運行速度太悲催所以我也就沒去下載Luminar4來使用了 前陣子弄了台5600G的巴掌大迷你主機 真的是快到驚死人(amdyes!) 想說來試試暴力運行下Luminar4的執行速度會不會有所改善 結果官網上只剩LuminarAI以及Neo的介紹 遍尋不著3、4的下載點 於是我寫了信去客服要下載連結 今天終於回信了(其實我也忘了這件事) 內容是這樣的: Hi Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying. You may know that our team is located in Ukraine, which is currently in a state of war, and for that reason, at this time, it is more difficult for us to provide our customers with fast support like we usually do. ....只能說天佑烏克蘭人民了 QQ