nd5287 (Mike)
2017-09-07 00:58:39資料庫名稱:
資料庫版本:sql 2014
我下了 以下的語法查詢出的結果如下
select DISTINCT B.CU_order_amount "金額",D.CU_name as "地區",
B.BillDate as "日期" from CU_order B
join CU_cust_info C on B.CU_cust_id=C.CU_cust_id
join CU_city D on C.CU_city_id = D.CU_Id
where B.CU_cust_id in
(select CU_cust_id from CU_cust_info C where CU_city_id in (select CU_city_id
from CU_city ))
and B.BillDate Between '20160101' and '20171231'
order by B.CU_order_amount desc
金額 地區 日期