It is the power of culture.
The media predict that lots of the foreign people will do so because such may
make some of peole are proud of what they decide to do.
Therefore, it is culture, the valuable culture.
Nowadays every body always says that technology is so important, so we should
develop it as much as we can.
Indeed, it is confident without a doubt.
Nonetheless, among the matches of technology, except of the military weapons or
equipment, once your products mixed with the technolongy you are proud of have
to matket into the market and come into the sight of the common, those wining
likes to take advtange of the element from culture to redefine their products.
I have raised the examples: walkman's company and Iphone's company.
It is business, but when you think about something having connetion with
the country, it also works.
You can say that France is a country after America in technology, but it
built up many things you can not mimic even if you have the best technology
in the world.
Dubai can build up lots of buildings more magnificent than the Notre Dame, and
yet even though the new building is made of gold the position of the Notre
Dame hardly is replaced.
That is culture itself.
Accordingly, the reason why the western has been showered by the scientific
revolution, but they still take care of art is clear.
It is because it can carve out the culture totally copied by others.
Pending the period of enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution not simply
did the scientists but also the artists, painters, poets, musicians and
something like that, have been put an eye on.
概稱為「啟蒙時代」(Enlightenment Era)或「理性時代」(Age of Reason)。
Do you understand?