gowrite (gowrite)
2019-11-20 01:50:48I am very confused today, when I saw lots of people doing something bad,
and without conscious , it's really bad, bad......
I need to keep my faith , and my patient , no bothers man,
just do what you do , keep doing it, untill someday that you can not
keep your step , and without breath.
So from now , every day,
list least 4 things you need to do by hurry , important , not hurry ,
not important in an array , so you could see clearily in a diagram.
yeah , just like you know , even you do all the prepare for doing something,
but still need you to start the from the first step, and the first step is
the most diffcult step at all.
Keep sharp , every day , every morning , every talk , you are doing all things
for your life , so do not screw it up.