20200302 嗯

作者: htx9 (螞蟻)   2020-03-02 20:36:11
The final version of CIRCUS CHARLIE had completed, and now I uploaded
the game to website and let the netizens play.
I provide some P-moneys for them to play in PttEarnMoney board,
I had usually hosted some games in there before, there is fun when I
interact with board friends.
But I met some problems when I upload the WebGL build files to the free
web hosting. One is the problem of the reference of javascript has syntax
errors, another is google chrome has forbided Unity files to execute
by default setting. You need to modify the settings to allow it executes.
I think the Unity is popular engine for game develop, and there are some
strange problems when publish projects.
Finally I reinstall the Unity development tools, and publish the WebGL
files to third-party website, then the problems were solved.
But now it causes other problems, one is the display of game could be hide.
When the users resize the window of the browsers, then the display
could be hide. They need to scroll the mouse wheel and press the ctrl key
at the same time, to resize the window again for normal display.
Another is some users couldn't execute the game, I think the Unity has
some restrictions on development of web games. Maybe it is convient
to develop the mobile games.
= = = =
These weekends I usually climb the mountains for fitness.
Because the epidemic of COVID-19 is steep, not only China and Taiwan,
now all the world is starting to panic over.
In many countries, such as Japan, Korean, Italy, Singapore, Iran, etc,
has many confirmed patients, and the epidemic can't stop.
The next few months, the worldwide will face serious challengs,
maybe tens of thousands of people would die by the super virus.
I hope the epidemic would be controled in Taiwan in the future,
many people have seen the government efforts, but the epidemic doesn't
seem to stop. It causes a lot of panic, we had seen the chaos of rushing
to purchase the necessities of people's livelihood.
Many people thought there are many idiots in Taiwan, but the chaos could
be seen in Japan and other developed countries.
This explains that the panic makes people ignorant.

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