As Confucius said, it is such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.
Welcome to visit Taiwan. May I introduce myself. I served as Minister of
Health here in Taiwan from 2009-11. I have no intention to share what I did
as Minister of Health with you now. What I like to say is your country have
many best schools of medicine and schools of public health such as University
of Michigan where I get my PHD.
I have no intention to share what I did as Minister of Health with you now.
這句話會讓人感覺 你是現在有在當嗎?
(雖然前面你有講09-11 還有會誤解 看看那個NOW...對不對
I have no intention to share what I did as the Minister of Health in the past
with you.
I have no intention to share what I did as the former Minister of Health
with you.
What I like to say is your country have many best schools of medicine
and schools of public health such as Universityof Michigan where I get
my PHD.
這句有兩個以上的主動詞 IS 跟 HAVE 稍微改一下
What I like to say is your country having many best schools of medicine
and of public health in the world such as University of Michigan where I got
my PHD.
那個MANY BEST 是有看過啦 但是都是 那種 閒聊文
You also have one of the best institution on communicable disease control -
CDC and many more top experts on epidemic control. Then, how terrible your
country deal with this conovir-19 pandimic . You have the most patients and
deaths in the world. Only one week ago your President Trump still keeps
saying mask is useless and during the predential campaign not to ask
supporters to wear masks. More recently, he urges schools to open and asks
students back to schools. All we know this will end up more kids get infected
without symptom and bring virus back to familys and sociaty. During 2009 -
2011 H1N1 out break, we closed the class with two cases and close the entire
school if more than two classes closed. We effectively subdued the
epidemic. Taiwan is regarded is one of the best to control H1N1 pandemic.
首先 你在跟美國衛生部長講話
你的文章的的傳達對象是他嘛... 那麼
但是 文章感覺你的傳授錯誤
You have the most patients and deaths in the world.
這個you 應該不是指部長 應該指美國吧
對... 有時指部長 有時指美國本土 就有錯亂的感覺
Only one week ago your President Trump still keeps
saying mask is useless and during the predential campaign not to ask
supporters to wear masks.
Only one week ago your President Trump still kept
saying wearing mask is useless ,and during his predential campaign not to ask
the supporters to wear masks.
More recently, he urges schools to open and asks
students back to schools. All we know this will end up more kids get infected
without symptom and bring virus back to familys and sociaty.
More recently, he urged schools to open and asked
students back to schools.
All we know this will end up more kids infected
with no symptom and virus back to families and society.
先這樣 時間不夠
就整個看起來很難懂 很難過啦~"~
Taiwan is regarded is one of the best to control H1N1 pandemic.
剩一分鐘 來不及改了