angelH0516 (真˙安喬之Maple超可愛)
2020-08-30 00:41:45It's so cute to see friends around me be in loved.
They ask EVERYTHING, literally.
"Which one should I gift with her?"
"Should I pick her up?"
"What should I say when meeting her?"
"Am I too annoying for sending her so many messages?"
"Where should I arrange to bring her for a date?"
"What should I do if it's raining?"
"She doesn't want to hangout that day. Why? QAQ"
"Am I doing anything wrong?"
"She hasn't read or replied my message. Is she busy now? Should I text her more?
Feeling the panic is so cute, really.
I always love to give advices or be the brainman.
Why once people fall in love and their IQ keep dropping to the kindergarten leve
Love is blind maybe.
At my early age I used to do a trick.
I would let the person I had a crush on know I was drinking outside.
During the time I would keep texting some nonsense or leaving voice messages to
make he assume I was a little bit drunk, which was not even close.
And then he would offer to drive/ride me home.
Whoever could stayed to see the sunrise next day and didn't take advantage of me
, was worth a profound relationship.
Most of the guys were kicked out of my room in the middle of the night.
And the two who actually did that... became my EXes.
Yeah....I am too old for that now...silly old days.
Being capable of giving love and loving people is gratifying.
I wish one day I can be part of it. :)