Penrose. 說意識不能化約為computational process,
他認為意識與microtubule 中的tublin微管蛋白構型間alpha beta two state的變化有關
,Tublin可以視為bio qubit,由於量測量子系統中間波函數的collapse產生了意識(Micr
otubule Orchestration Objective Reduction theory).單細胞生物如草屢蟲paramecium
經細胞確能有覓食,逃跑,乃至sex等行為,主要的mechanism還是源於micro tubule或許mic
ro tubule要用complex theory去建構數學model,也許網路模型比神經網路synapse的連結
存在著四種力的作用。也許人類有ㄧ天能解構出意識的奧秘。human brain project已經
進展7年了,有一組團隊是要用deep blue 模擬人類皮質的運作,另一組則是以逆向工程分
Auditory cortex model were proposed at 19xx, Now,the research focus on visual cortex and other cognition process. It is a interesting topic to reconstruct the visual image in the brain from the fMRIsignal. it may be make success by the GAN networks, which approximate the general inverse from an many to one mapping.