Mozartk (Pi)
2024-01-06 13:30:57Two lady(s?) came back office after a long vacation yesterday.
I picked up a call that a loud ambulance ringing on the phone which revealed
a sign of bad omens.
Along with my inner confusion, I saw an unexpected news report this morning.
The plane was travelling to St Lucia 聖露西亞.
Christian Oliver and his two daughters suffered and passed away on 4th
Jan(EST??) in the the 4-seater private plane.
It implies that people try to go against the Divine plan and cause disasters
in the world.
What are the google search results for the divine plan?
The term "according to" can be translated as 根據or照著 so that the term
照著 is equivalent to reflect to.
If one can't be honest to the reflects, what more can we say?
Don't say you're a Christian please.
I don't believe the lies that come out of your mouth.