新聞來源連結: https://getmonero.org/2016/12/22/monero-core-gui-beta-released.html The first beta of the Monero Core GUI has been released. Note that, at this time, we have not completed support for 32-bit Windows, FreeBSD, and ARMv7 Linux devices. They are all being worked on, and we hope to complete support for them by the time of the first release. Download links are at the bottom of this post, and please take note of the known issues and caveats listed below. 評論:整個社群等超久的終於生出來了 普遍的心得是這個beta版在交易穩定性上是沒有問題的 但會擔心的人還是得再等等嘍 立刻下載來聞香一下 初始畫面 http://i.imgur.com/m74inmW.jpg 可以選擇要新創錢包 還是還原錢包:輸入25字箴言或使用金鑰檔案 然後可以自己選擇要從哪個node同步資料 我在另一台電腦有架full node所以就設定IP過去 創建畫面 http://i.imgur.com/bGKO7KJ.jpg (這份只是範例所以就不遮25字了) 接著設定密碼和確認一些資訊後 同步中的畫面 http://i.imgur.com/EyLvl9n.jpg 因為是從遠端node同步所以不到一分鐘就搞定啦! 主畫面 http://i.imgur.com/K9e67ZN.png 覺得UI挺有質感的 收工!