In general, we welcome any changes and improvements to the Bitcoin protocol,
including changes that require a hard fork.
However, in the case of Bitcoin Cash there are several reasons why we cannot
support it:
我們基本上是歡迎任何對於bitcoin協定的改善 即使這需要hard fork
但是在BBC的情況下 我們有幾個理由不去支援它
1. The hard fork was announced only a few days before the actual fork date.
It is impossible to set up, test and build the necessary software around
this client in such a short time frame.
hard fork的時間這麼晚才提出來 是要我們如何把軟體測試和上線啦
2. Although we respect the community behind Bitcoin Cash, we do not think that
a significant majority of Bitcoin users and businesses support an overly
hasty hard fork.
對於BCC背後的團隊我們是蠻尊重的啦 但是這個隨隨便便就來的hard fork我們不覺得
3. Due to the limited time to prepare, supporting Bitcoin cash would lead to
error-prone internal systems, which wouldn’t meet our high standards of
security and stability.
We believe that the potential issues outweigh the benefits.
再一次地強調 這hard fork的時間這麼倉促 要在期間完成支援BCC這件事情是很容易
出問題的 這不符合我們對自己平台的高安全性和穩定性的標準
我猜這版應該也沒啥人用這個XD 只是看到轉一下
基本上就是多次強調這個hard fork時間太過短暫
就算搞爆整個虛擬貨幣市場也無所謂 反正$$已經到手惹