這個事件發展 和一年前bitfinex的處理方式差不多 (正巧btc-e提出發債的那天就是bitfinex被駭一周年) 但令人覺得奇怪的地方是 bitfinex是被盜 但btc-e是被美國政府查封 可是美國政府從事發到現在快一個月了 沒有出來講半句要怎麼處理這件事 尤其平台內部大部分的資金應該是正當使用者的錢 所以對平台使用者來說 平台的誠信還大於美國政府 是不是有點發人深省? ※ 引述《zhiping8 (ping)》之銘言: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2045453.1780 : Update6! 08/14/2017 : We have read feedback about our proposal to exit the situation and we decided : to revise this decision in favor of community opinions. : We believe that this way out of the situation is more fair for holders of : crypto-currency and fiat funds: : For each currency, a recalculation will be made taking into account the : currently available assets. Currently 55% of funds are available, so 55% will : remain in currency, and 45% will be converted to a specific currency token. : For tokens of all currencies, free trading on a separate page will be opened. : You can trade them at any price, but no more than their face value. We pledge : to redeem all the tokens. You can also sell your tokens to other users and : get currency, or wait and exchange tokens at face value. : For example, you had 1 BTC. You will receive 0.55 BTC and 0.45 BTCT. 0.55 BTC : you can output immediately. The remaining 0.45 BTCT you can either exchange : for BTC at the market rate, or wait for their exchange at face value. : P.S. A warning! The cases of posting fake links on allegedly our new domain : have become more frequent. All official information about our service is : placed only in our twitter and from our official account on the forum. : Sincerely, BTC-e team