BTC: Exchange Netflow
The BTC inflows trend decreased, but outflows show a relative high recently, lea
ding to a new uptrend unless the high inflows.
ETH: Exchange Netflow
The ETH inflows are still overwhelmingly more than outflows; it's not good news
for long positions.
ETH/USDT Perp. Binance
1. OI 降、L/S 升 = 大戶平多、散戶平空
2. OI 微升、L/S 持平
3. OI 升、L/S 升 = 大戶開空、散戶開多
L/S Ratio 從 1.69 升至 2.73 做空資金集中
做多比例 62.8% 升至 73.2%
做空比例 37.2% 降至 26.8%
Open Interest 從 987.83K 升至 1.096M = 增加約 10.8 萬顆 ETH
4. OI 持平震盪、L/S 微升 = 少量換手
客觀來看 10.8 萬顆 ETH 不算太多
持倉開始明顯掉 = 大戶積極平空
或是後續有沒有繼續累積持倉 = 空頭趨勢延續