FBter (慢慢來比較快)
2023-11-10 01:25:01想詢問以下報告 謝謝
reconstruction u||M150 Primary generalized (osteo)arthritis, 84500 Sprains and strainsof ankle, S93402A Sprain of unspecified ligament of left ankle, initial encounter,||cre:0, eGFRr:0Imaging findings :EXAMINATION: MRI scan without Gadolinium contrast of the left ankle.FINDINGS:> status post ATaFL reconstruction; violation of the posterior subtalar joint of the suture anchor.> os trigonum.> acceptable appearance of other major ligaments and tendons, bone and joints.> No evidence of abnormal SI at the
remaining portion. Impression :1. status post ATaFL reconstruction; violation of the posterior subtalar joint of the suture anchor.2. os trigonum.