Creep denies now grant the denying team 30% of the XP bounty
現在deny自己的小兵會給經驗和錢 (Dondo表示開勳
Normal deny XP increased from 50% to 70%
deny自己的小兵對面會得到原本的50% -> 70%經驗值
Shrines now start on cooldown and become available at 5 minutes
現在要比賽開始5分鐘才能用祭壇 (中路和劣勢路影響頗大
Reduced Shrine count in base from 5 to 3
Shrines mana regeneration growth per minute reduced from 1 to 0.75
Added an extra melee creep in mid lane for the first 15 minutes
Creeps meet a bit closer to the offlane tower
Creep aggro duration reduced from 2.5 to 2.3
Creep aggro cooldown increased from 2.5 to 3.0
Lane creeps vision reduced from 850/800 to 750
Neutrals now spawn every minute instead of every 2 minutes
Neutrals now give 20% less XP and Gold
Neutrals XP and Gold now increased by 2% every 7.5 minutes
Siege damage type vs structures increased from 150% to 250%
Siege creeps HP increased from 550 to 825
Siege creeps spawn rate reduced from every 7th wave to every 10th wave
砲車每3.5 -> 5分鐘出一次
Extra Ranged/Siege creeps now spawn at 40 minutes instead of 45
All hero strength growth increased by 0.3
Regeneration coming from strength increased from 0.03 HP per point of Strength to 0.06
Reduced base HP regen by 0.25
Intelligence's Spell Amplification from 1% per 15 to 1% per 14
Mana per point of Intelligence reduced from 12 to 11
Base mana increased from 50 to 75
Reduced melee creeps base XP bounty from 45 to 40
Reduced melee creep gold bounty upgrade from 3 gold per cycle to 1 gold per cycle
Melee/Ranged Barracks team bounty reduced from 275/225 to 225/150 to each player
Roshan team bounty reduced from 200 to 150
Shrine team bounty from reduced 150 to 125
Death cost from 100 + NW/50 to 50 + NW/40
Tier 3 Tower Team Bounty from 240 to 200
Tier 4 Tower Team Bounty from 280 to 200
Illusion gold/XP bounty from 5 + Level to 2 * Level
Illusion building damage reduction from 50% to 60%
Buyback cooldown increased from 7 minutes to 8 minutes
Roshan now drops cheese from the second death instead of the third
Roshan armor bonus per upgrade interval increased from 1.1 to 1.3
Powerup Runes now spawn different runes on both sides of the river after 40 minutes
Uphill miss chance no longer applies to flying units
蝙蝠騎士: 幹
Fixed various pathing issues with the bottom Dire creeps between Tier 1 and Tier 2
Towers bonus armor based on nearby enemy heroes AoE increased from 1400 to 1600
***Replaced all 42 Respawn Talents in the game***
Warlock: Summons a Golem on death (Level 20)
Pudge: +1s Dismember Duration (Level 20)
Magnus: +500 Skewer Range (Level 25)
Lone Druid: +50% Spirit Bear Magic Resistance (Level 20)
Lina: +40 Movement Speed (Level 15)
Enigma: +1 Malefice Instance (Level 20)
Earthshaker: +350 Fissure Range (Level 20)
Clockwerk: +40 Battery Assault Damage (Level 20)
Bristleback: +10% Spell Lifesteal (Level 20)
Earth Spirit: Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies [?]
Enchantress: +6% Impetus Damage (Level 25)
Brewmaster: +2s Thunderlap Slow (Level 20)
Beastmaster: +1 Boar Summoned (Level 15)
Zeus: +0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun (Level 20)
Lycan: +12 Feral HP Regen (Level 15)
Crystal Maiden: +50 Freezing Field Damage (Level 20)
Shadow Shaman: +4 Wards Summoned (Level 20)
Visage: Soul Assumption Double Strike [?]
Winter Wyvern: +1s Cold Embrace Duration (Level 20)
Witch Doctor: +2 Cask Bounces (Level 15)
Legion Commander: +10% Moment Proc Chance (Level 20)
Keeper of the Light: +300 Chakra Magic Mana (Level 15)
Dazzle: +25 Poison Touch DPS (Level 20)
Treant: +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal (Level 25)
Sand King: -50 Epicenter Attack Slow (Level 15)
Venomancer: +14% Poison Sting Slow (Level 25)
Ancient Apparition: +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance (Level 20)
Chen: +1000 Creep Health (Level 20)
Disruptor: +40 Thunder Strike Damage (Level 15)
Elder Titan: +200 Mana (Level 10)
Io: Tether Stuns (Level 25)
Jakiro: Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity (Level 25)
Lion: +75 Cast Range (Level 10)
Nature's Prophet: Removed Teleportation Cooldown (Level 25)
Oracle: +0.75s Fortune's End Max Duration (Level 10)
Phoenix: +20% XP Gain (Level 10)
Pugna: +1s Decrepify Duration (Level 15)
Shadow Demon: -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown (Level 20)
Spirit Breaker: +30% Greater Bash Damage (Level 20)
Templar Assassin: -8 Meld Armor Reduction (Level 25)
Undying: +15 Health Regeneration (Level 10)
Techies: +250 Attack Damage (Level 25)
iouhsu (éµç›¤ç¥žæŽ¢-白羅)
2017-05-15 22:27:00這改好大 風向好亂啊
remmurds (Stronghold)
2017-05-15 22:59:00加快升等的速度應該是為了提升天賦的影響力
這幾個新的天賦很多很強阿..雙頭龍的大招變無視魔抗整個超威炸彈兵普攻+250這.. 自帶聖劍是吧
afu4869 (阿福)
2017-05-16 01:28:00普攻+250 超屌XDDDDD
hanmas 2017-05-16 01:46:00直接又變新遊戲了XD 大野區版本為了nerf og直接把中路重做了新天賦好有梗 一堆被nerf掉的imba能力XD
野區又改回每分鐘 puppey又有事情做了說真的 這樣神杖雙頭龍很恐怖吧..陳的野怪+1000血 加上遠古靈氣 要殺一輩子
hanmas 2017-05-16 01:55:00陳+骨弓要回來了 C9! C9! C9!大根秒幻想XDD
kenyun (中肯阿皮)
2017-05-16 02:45:00法球攻擊好像只剩燒魔和OD法球?
hanmas 2017-05-16 02:56:00吸血應該還是法球? 不過可能要看到暗滅敵法了
mjsg (mjsg)
2017-05-16 03:09:00災禍元素的改動很故意啊,2.5 每等級屬性成長XD冰女竟然…沒削弱?應該說是小動刀。阿梅從打 Invoker 修煉技能回來了。
Xreay (MC)
2017-05-16 07:00:00Frog: No problems here!
現在BKB不能解天堂之戟 以後1號位的日子難過了大勳章的改動也很有趣 現在變成專剋PA和蝴蝶
MinoltaSTF (Smooth Trans Focus)
2017-05-16 11:25:00廢到笑
olkl1234 (大廚鞋斑肉)
2017-05-16 11:42:00夢魔出神杖幻彩一秒一吸潮爽
kunkka (aMao)
2017-05-16 12:54:00對其他英雄是很威的天賦,但是炸彈人普攻加250到底可以幹嘛啊XD
dsersr (某d)
2017-05-16 18:08:00炸彈人其實彈道真的不錯
koexe (獨酌)
2017-05-16 19:58:00一個大改 TI可能都在看新手村大亂鬥
zzzpopo (自然先知)
2017-05-16 20:15:00斯文要重出江湖了
hanmas 2017-05-16 21:04:00整體來講感覺蠻不錯的 焦點拉回英雄身上 705對線聖壇刷野聖壇野戰聖壇守高 而且打到後來常常無視守軍硬拆高地焦點都放到建築上了706線野這樣改選擇變多 平衡不知道怎樣不過應該蠻好玩的不過推進又削了一輪 到底連續多少版本砍推進了XD
rejoin (lol)
2017-08-09 12:51:00有我幫你噓,你就放心吧