[情報] 畢業證書顯示不同

作者: Mark0529 (神)   2014-08-10 23:29:14
Double Majors and Double Degrees 的部分提到
Double majors or dual majors consist of two majors attached to a single
degree, as opposed to two separate degrees each with its own field of study.
In some schools, students will earn a double major when the two majors lead
to the same degree name (such as: B.A., B.S., B.F.A.). And they will earn a
double degree when the two majors lead to differently-named degrees (such as:
B.A. and B.S., B.S. and B.F.A.). In general, the number of hours and required
courses are more in a dual-degree program than a double major.
數學系雙主修化學系,是double major
中文系雙主修化學系,是double degrees
作者: jackjack369 (EMU1200)   2014-08-10 23:45:00
台大都寫double degree同院也是我是指畢業證書只能說台灣比較沒有degree的概念大部分就是甚麼系 甚麼系 這樣

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