[演出] Summer Shorts 2016 Tellus英語劇團公演

作者: dunkjames (Firefighter)   2016-09-25 18:15:32
演出時間: 2016.10.1 (六) 19:30
演出地點: [Red Room] 台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 空軍總部"圖書館"2樓
購票連結: https://www.accupass.com/go/summer_shorts_2016
演出介紹: (英語發音‧中文字幕)
Actor – Steven Berkoff
A piece for the Actor, by the actor, about the actor.
Steven Berkoff’s short play “Actor” encapsulates the harrow truths
regarding the life of an actor in 20 centruy and surely some would agree in
these current times.
In an attempt to find material for a one man show, the writer put pen to
paper and saw the outpouring of “years of struggle, unemployment … self
loathing, disappointment, lack of courage, self worth…” amongst other
things, that according to him were festering in his subconscious.
A monologue performed in one spot, while life “happens and disintegrates
around its one character”; the play is riveting through and through, as well
as simultaneously heartbreaking and comedic.
"Actor" 是一段one-man-show,一人分飾多角,關於一位演員不得志的一生,面臨失業、
The Black and White – Harold Pinter
This play is about two old women in a 1950's Milk Bar in London by Night
(possibly prostitutes).
“The Black and White” 是關於兩位熟女在50年代的倫敦吧檯內所發生的事,

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