※ 引述《godivan (加藤家的惠是我的!)》之銘言:
: → q622622: 想太多,共軍ㄧ來一開始對台灣沒興趣,二來渡台是要跟美 02/19 23:20
: → q622622: 軍幹上 02/19 23:21
: 美國介入兩岸是在1950.6以後 也就是韓戰之時
: 意思就是說在這時間點以前美國的態度是不介入兩岸
: (史實是 1950.1美國宣布不介入兩岸)
: 所以根本沒有所謂跟美軍開戰的問題
: 再說了,中共對台灣沒興趣? 你確定? 中共在戰後還戰前就有派人來台灣來了....
: 按照上面的假設 國府軍沒有撤退來台灣
: 這台灣共軍會拿不下..顆顆
直接引用美國國務次卿 1949年1月14日 致杜魯門總統的備忘錄:
893.50 Recovery/1–1449
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Truman
Washington, January 14, 1949.
Subject: U.S. Armed Forces at Tsingtao; Problem of Formosa
Should the Chinese Communists attempt to gain control of the island by
forceful means contrary to the wishes of the Formosan people, or if the
Formosans themselves should revolt against their Chinese rulers,
justification would exist for action by the United Nations both on the
grounds that the situation represented a threat to peace and on the basis of
the de facto status of Formosa. The Indonesian case would afford some useful
parallels from the United Nations point of view. Intervention by the United
Nations might be requested by the Australian or the Philippine Governments
with a view to arranging for a plebiscite to determine the wishes of the
Formosan people.
The Department of State fully recognizes that it may be necessary at some
stage for the United States to take military action if Formosa is to be
denied to the communists. It strongly believes that for political reasons,
internally in Formosa and internationally, the United States should go to
great lengths to avoid crude unilateral intervention. But that time is not
yet upon us. The United States has not exhausted all of the political
possibilities. It may still be able to foster a Chinese non-communist local
government which will itself successfully deny Formosa to the communists.
Meanwhile, the United States should, as it is now doing, prepare for the
failure of the above contingency and put itself in a position to intervene
with force if necessary. Such intervention should be publicly based not on
obvious American strategic interests but on principles which are likely to
have support in the international community, mainly the principle of
self-determination of the Formosan people.
This involves the fostering of a Formosan autonomy movement which can be
called into full action should it become evident that the Chinese regime on
the island is unlikely to be able to deny the island to the communists.