tkucuh (tku's cuh)
2019-04-16 09:12:55※ 引述《tontontonni (桶桶泥)》之銘言:
: 防雷
: ================
: 其實
: 瑟西要殺的不一定是兩個弟弟吧
: 我覺得她不會殺jaime,她不至於到這個程度
1, 台詞都說brothers了。
2, 上一季,色吸答應龍母要聯手擋夜王,結果Jaime發現色吸按兵不動還打算背刺
Jaime: I pledged to ride north.I intend to honor that pledge.
Cersei: And that will be treason.
Disobeying your queen's command, fighting with her enemies.
Jaime: Are you going to order him to kill me?
I'm the only one you have left.
It's just me and you now.
Cersei: There's one more yet to come.
Jaime: Give the order, then.
: 那邊全是她的敵人
: 她派波隆應該是要殺龍母,珊傻,小惡魔這些人
: 個人推測
: 接下來
: 波隆應該是vs 獵狗和阿雅了