EijiHoba (我要好工作)
2018-02-26 09:56:42更新日期 2018-02-19
修正 "manual subnet override" 功能 感謝 Horst Kraemer 回報錯誤
Fixed "manual subnet override" feature. Thanks to Horst Kraemer for bug report
修正 cFosSpeed 區域網路連接埠 會有時出現或有時消失的錯誤,感謝 stdedos
Fixed a bug where cFosSpeed LAN port would appear and disappear every minute or so. Thanks to stdedos.
修正 網路卡連結速度顯示目前連結速度,取代顯示最大連結速度
The link speed of the network adapter is now always the current link speed, instead of the maximum link speed.
www.cfos.de 全面使用 HTTPS 連線
All links to www.cfos.de are now using HTTPS.
修正 Setting.ini 中 很多程式分類並且新增受歡迎的遊戲到 Setting.ini 中。所以它
- Corrected a lot of program classifications in settings.ini and added new popular games to settings.ini, so they can be prioritized by cFosSpeed accordingly. Thank you all for your suggestions in the prioritization dialog.
Switched to latest compiler.